This is from meanie's page. It is the key shortcuts in pdaxii13, (not icewm, but matchbox/openbox & ROX)
I'm not sure if it is current, but I have it in a text file for reference. * LeftKanji = Alt (Alt_L)
* RightKanji = Super (Super_L)
By defeault, there are also several predefined key combos which do the following:
* Ctrl+Alt+BS = Shutdown X
* Ctrl+Alt+Left = Switch to previous Virtual Desktop
* Ctrl+Alt+Right = Switch to next Virtual Desktop
* Shift+Alt+Left = Send to previous Desktop
* Shift+Alt+Right = Send to next Desktop
* Ctrl+Alt+d = Toggle Show Desktop
* Ctrl+Alt+m = Toggle Maximize/Restore Window
* Fn+Ctrl+Alt+Down = MoveRelativeVert
* Fn+Ctrl+Alt+Up = MoveRelativeVert
* Fn+Ctrl+Alt+Left = MoveRelativeHorz
* Fn+Ctrl+Alt+Right = MoveRelativeHorz
* Alt+Tab = Switch forward between running Applications
* Alt+Shift+Tab = Switch backward between running Applications
* Alt+0 = MaximizeFull
* Alt+5 = UnmaximizeFull
* Alt+9 = Iconify
* Alt+8 = Resize
* Alt+7 = Move
* Alt+4 = Close
* Alt+6 = ToggleShade
* Menu = Activate Launch Menu
* Home = Mode
* Mail = rox
* Address = xmms
* Calendar = mrxvt
* Shift+Calendar = aterm
* Ctrl+Alt+c = screencap
* Shift+Ctrl+c = screencap
Some function keys have been remapped as follows:
# Super+1 = Switch VGA mode (320x240)
# Super+2 = Switch SVGA mode (640x480)
# Super+3 = Decrease Brightness
# Super+4 = Increase Brightness
# Super+5 = Refresh
The silkscreen keys are mapped as follows by default:
# Home = dilllo
# Mail = sylpheed
# Address = xmms
# Calendar = rox
# Dictionary = stardict
xpdf has the following default key mappings:
* o = open file
* r = reload
* f = find next
* n = next page
* p = previous page
* + = zoom in
* - = zoom out
* z = zoom page
* w = zoom page width
* 0 = zoom normal
* q = quit
Below are some of the keyboard shortcuts for mrxvt:
* Ctrl+Shift+t = Create a new tab
* Ctrl+Shift+n = Create a new tab
* Ctrl+Shift+w = Close active tab
* Ctrl+Shift+q = Close all tabs and exit
* Ctrl+Fn+Up = Activate left tab
* Shift+Left = Activate left tab
* Ctrl+Shift+h = Activate left tab
* Ctrl+Shift+p = Activate previous active tab
* Ctrl+Tab = Activate previous active tab
* Ctrl+Fn+Down = Activate right tab
* Shift+Right = Activate right tab
* Ctrl+Shift+l = Activate right tab
* Ctrl+Shift+Left = Move active tab to left
* Ctrl+Shift+less_than = Move active tab left
* Ctrl+Shift+Right = Move active tab to right
* Ctrl+Shift+greater_than = Move active tab right
* Ctrl+equal = Increase font size
* Ctrl+minus = Decrease font size
* Ctrl+Shift+plus = Increase font size by 2
* Ctrl+Shift+underscore = Decrease font size by 2
* Ctrl+Shift+r = Toggle pseudo-transparency
* Ctrl+Shift+i = Hide/show tabbar
* Ctrl+Shift+s = Hide/show scrollbar
* Ctrl+Shift+m = Hide/show menubar
* Ctrl+Shift+a = Hide/show tabbar buttons
* Ctrl+Shift+f = Toggle full screen mode
* Shift+Insert = Paste X selection into active tab.
* Ctrl+Shift+v = Paste X selection into active tab.
* Shift+Up = Scroll up one line
* Shift+Down = Scroll down one line