I can't get the quote tags to work correctly, so I'll do it the old fashioned way. Apologies...
>Temporarily upgrading a cards firmware via a RAM upload of an updated version works fine.
>Angstrom even does it automatically for you.
Yes, but the firmware on the card won't take the temporary upload. I don't have the Z here so I can't quote it, but the upgrading software indicate that it was incompatible. Remember this is WCF-11 while most of the software seems to have been written for the newer WCF-12.
>If there is a Linux driver for this card it could have been made to work.
>>That was not recognized at all with OZ,
>I seriously doubt that.
You are right. The card works perfectly with OZ, except that I can't use WPA because I can't upgrade the firmware. It is Angstrom that won't recognize it. When I insert the WCF-11 under Angstrom, ifconfg does not recognize wlan0, nor do its other if* friends.
>> and with Angstrom, I can get it to work only after repeated removing and inserting the card,
>> and only with a shell - the GUIs all seem to shut off the card - and only with WEP.
This seems to be a defective Ambicom card.
>The shell is your friend. All the "GUI" apps are basically frontends to shell commands and ASCII
>config files. Also "repeated removing and inserting the card," hardly is an acceptable debugging
>technique. You could have saved yourself a bunch of money and a lot of time by sitting on your
>but and reading up on how to configure a WLAN card manually w/o any GUI crap.
>It is a rewarding learning experience as well.
I agree. I have been using command-line utilities since CP/M, but for whatever reasons, my experience has bypassed the *nix world. I am very happy to RTFM - if I can find it. I have read the Angstrom wiki, and looked at the Angstrom manual, which seems to be primarily aimed at folks who develop the ROMS, not at end users.
As an example of my confusion, many of the various files that seem to relate to the wlan configuration are in totally different places and/or different names comparing OZ and Angstrom.
>>Since I can't find a version of Wellenreiter to run with Angstrom, I have taken a giant step
>Wellenreiter runs under OPIE, not X11 / GPE.
Ah! I had assumed that since Mickey was on the Angstrom team, eventually he would port it over. I can get along with Kismet very well. I had it running on Angstrom for a while before I concluded that I had a hardware problem. I'm waiting for the replacement card now. Mostly what I do is capture the data on the Z and then use Wireshark (Ethereal) to examine/analyze the data on a full-size PC. Easier on these aging eyes! However I do use the Z for e-mail and web browsing when there is no PC available, hence the desire to get it working with WPA/PSK.
Thanks for the help and comments!