Author Topic: Alone?  (Read 6438 times)


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« on: June 18, 2007, 07:37:08 am »
i feel a little bit alone these days on openbsd forum ... are you all on holidays ??

anyway i just saw a new snapshot release of june 16th on openbsd ftps... i wonder what are the changes?
**Fujitsu U1010 !!!  
**ex-Zaurus SL-C3000 owner with Debian kernel 2.6.24-yonggun


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« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2007, 01:28:11 pm »

I will take the oprtunity to pick your brain about how do you use Zaurus with Open BSD.
i have been following your recent interchange / activity with openBSD.

How do you mainly use your zaurus for? Developement, laptop replacement?
What enviroment you use? console, windows manager?

I am trying to use my zaurus as my communication center, in other words the typical email, web access, finance record, wired - wireless VPN (using hotspotsVPN).

I do not mind to have more a computer than a PDA functionality.

PS: thank you for the OpenVPN tutorial, I am still strugelling but making progress.

Zaurus SL-C3200 with weeXpc 1.6 (
1gb pqi 45X SD Card
Socket Low Power 802.11b Wireless CF Card
Zaurus SL- C1000 pdaXrom, Zaurus SL-6000 Sharp Rom, Zaurus SL- C760 Cacko 1.23  , Zaurus SL-5600 Sharp Rom.


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« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2007, 06:08:55 pm »

I will take the oprtunity to pick your brain about how do you use Zaurus with Open BSD.
i have been following your recent interchange / activity with openBSD.

How do you mainly use your zaurus for? Developement, laptop replacement?
What enviroment you use? console, windows manager?

I am trying to use my zaurus as my communication center, in other words the typical email, web access, finance record, wired - wireless VPN (using hotspotsVPN).

I do not mind to have more a computer than a PDA functionality.

PS: thank you for the OpenVPN tutorial, I am still strugelling but making progress.

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well let me try to tell you how is my zaurus life (even if off topic!) :

right now i've two great devices : a nokia 6630 and the Zaurus C3000.

The Nokia has builtin 3G support, and can do an incredible job in browsing light web sites, listening to mp3, reading rss news, read and write emails with multiple accounts, play some little games, do some gps navigation & tracking with his builtin bluetooth support and so on ... moreover it is a very handy tool in the transports, as you can handle it with just one hand. *BUT* it has damn short internal memory, has a little screen and Symbian is not as stable as i would like.

The Zaurus has (quite) all which miss the nokia : big memory (with swap!), tremendous screen and great stability. so it is the (quite) perfect device to come next to the nokia, whenever you can sit somewhere and use the stylus

what i like in openbsd is that it is a light distro at first THEN you can compile-and-install whatever application you'd like to see in your hands : firefox2 (!), sylpheed, abiword... the compile process can be very long but it doens't matter to let you zaurus compile at nights for example  and you can use packages from other people's repository here in oesf or in last resort arm (not optimized) packages.

in fact, i think that the perfect distro right now (at least for the C3000) is pdaxii13, as you just install it and you have ALL *true-PDA* sofware you'd need. Besides, bluetooth dialup to my nokia is working comme un charme  i always have on me a memory card with pdaxii13 install files, just in case of     hello to master meanie

i also tried angstrom too and i liked it a lot (whow speeeed!) but i was so disapointed that firefox2 segfaults that i let it away for some time
perhaps it is what pushed my to try openbsd adventure even if openbsd is at now not fully perfect : true sdcard and dialup bluetooth supports are the main issues before it really rocks! but i think (hope) it is a matter of time

to come back to your questions,

i like to use openbsd in console mode (screen rulez!) , then use mutt for email, links for web access and snownews for rss. not very modern but these are rather quick-and-dirty-but-terribly-efficient piece of softwares

at home, wifi access is working out of the box, with my wep *protected* access point:)
on moving, waiting for bluetooth or a never-seen-yet CF 3G, the only solution right now is use my nokia usb cable to hook the nokia to the Zaurus and have 3g dialup...
right now i've compiled openvpn on openbsd but hasn't tried it yet

voila voila
hope this helps
**Fujitsu U1010 !!!  
**ex-Zaurus SL-C3000 owner with Debian kernel 2.6.24-yonggun


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« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2007, 11:11:36 pm »
I'm here reading every day.  I just haven't been using my Zaurus much for a while.  I go through phases of using it constantly then never touching it.  Been meaning to get it updated to try out firefox on it.

Would like to get a Japanese IME working too.  Never successfully accomplished that on any *nix type OS, let alone on the slightly more limited Zaurus.


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« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2007, 04:26:34 pm »

Thank you very much for the information, and my apologies for being of topic  ...
I am reading everything I can about OpenBSD, getting all the bits and pieces to install!

Thank you again.
Zaurus SL-C3200 with weeXpc 1.6 (
1gb pqi 45X SD Card
Socket Low Power 802.11b Wireless CF Card
Zaurus SL- C1000 pdaXrom, Zaurus SL-6000 Sharp Rom, Zaurus SL- C760 Cacko 1.23  , Zaurus SL-5600 Sharp Rom.


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« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2007, 05:09:14 pm »
i feel a little bit alone these days on openbsd forum ... are you all on holidays ??
