Does anybody actually have the last version? I've got a couple of playstation games all ready to go, but no emulator.
As far as I can tell, nobody does.
zodttd seems to have lost his copy, and isn't interested in developing for any platform but the iphone now.
and I think you have to send him money to join the "beta test" group before he'll respond to any messages
you post on his forums.
He seemed really confused by the way we Zaurers kept asking for a source code release-
gave various excuses, but it now appears that the main reason he couldn't ever release any source
was because he planned to make $$$ off it.
I *might* have had an older version of the runtime of the emulator, but seem to remember licensing terms that
he did not want anyone other than himself to distribute it under any circumstance,
even though it was "open source" and "free software" or something.
zodttd: if you're still around, if you think I'm misinterpreting, please feel free to clarify. thanx