Author Topic: Debian Xqt/pwstation On Collie Revisited  (Read 6295 times)


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Debian Xqt/pwstation On Collie Revisited
« on: November 22, 2007, 03:43:28 pm »
Tested in TKRom with home in SD.Thanks to Meanie for all the refs and explanations, and also thanks to all the people who crash their brain in the past with this Collie issue and reflected the solutions in this forum.

My configuration is a 2 GB SD with two 1GB ext2 partitions. One for the Home dir and another partition for data and maps from wikipedia.

At least 500 or 600MB freespace is needed to feel comfortable installing apps

Install xqt-debian-jumbo-little

Install Meanie's Debian 4 packages (It will tale some time -maybe an hour and a half-:  /wherever you want- in your home SD, or another SD or CF partition-/debroot

Mine will be /home/debroot, so:

#./  /home/debroot

Install xserver-8.x.ipk In order to the Xserver to fit your zaurus sl5500 screen geometry without any headache. (This is a not very much technical procedure but works out-of-the-box)

Copy file resolv.conf from your zaurus /etc/resolv.conf to your debroot/etc/ directory, to benefit debian from your zaurus net settings.

Modify /debroot/etc/apt/sources.list, to catch the proper binaries and sources list, for apt-get to work. Maybe It's a bug in the installed sources.list. I couldn't fetch anything without doing these changes before.

 adding a backslash after .org/debian =

 changing testing for sarge and being sure to add "main contrib non-free", and changing stable for sarge:

deb http://jjñljñ sarge main contrib non-free
  (or ftp://)
deb-src  http://jjñljñ sarge main contrib non-free
  (or ftp://)

Now you have to copy .xmodmaprc file in /home/zaurus and /home/root in order to have the SL-5500 keyboard recognized.

Start debian from the desktop launcher icon or from console with (#xlauncher debian) command.

Pressing the zaurus Menu Application Key allows us to get Fullscreen and to shutdown Xqt/Debian.


Make a swapfile wherever you like it.

#dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024k count=64
#mkswap /swapfile
#swapon /swapfile

I've made a mistake here about starting the swapfile. First I thought that it had to be started from the /debroot/startd script, but it had no effect.

It will start  at boot time,  by adding previously the line: swapon  /swapfile
to the file /etc/rc.d/rc  -just before the line "exit 0"-

In TKompany ROM it adds the new swapfile size to the regular amount of swap reflected by qtopia system info app., and Debian recognizes that amount of swap.

A good amount of swap is needed to run Debian PWStation without problems.


Run #apt-get update from xterm

If you got warnings about locale not set,

run #apt-get install locales

After that you can install whatever apps you need by doing:

#apt-get install ( for example) mc (midnight commander)

After updating or installing you can do #apt-get clean  to recover some espace.

I've been in troubles trying to upgrade to etch so I'll just keep sarge which works OK.

Now I've changed the default windows manager icewm, to use xfce4 instead.

It works well, but programs don't fit the screen geometry. It should be hacked in some way that I'll see later.


If you want to use xmodmaprc, please rename it from xmodmaprc.html to .xmodmaprc
« Last Edit: December 29, 2007, 07:02:31 pm by jocasmi »
SL-C3200 Sharp Rom, Meanie's X/QT and Pocket Workstation
Wifi Linksys WCF12, SD 1GB Kingston (Ellite Pro)

SL-5500S Cacko Crow 30/30 home on SD
SD 1GB Kingston (the good one)
CF 1GB Kingston

Juanjo Santiso


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Debian Xqt/pwstation On Collie Revisited
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2007, 10:13:58 pm »
Is there any way to install debian on a sl-5600 (poodle) like you are doing on the sl-5500? Thanks for any info.


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Debian Xqt/pwstation On Collie Revisited
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2007, 05:22:32 am »
Hi, this is not a new theme. All the information exposed aplies also to sl-5600. You can see the XQT subforum in its first posts. My explanation is nothing but a resume of the information that I've found there, that was posted in the 2004 period.

I think that you can successfully install Debian Pocketworkstation on your machine.

It's a great sensation.

Note: the xmodmaprc file suits the sl-5500, sl-5600 and sl-6000 keyboards.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2007, 05:27:43 am by jocasmi »
SL-C3200 Sharp Rom, Meanie's X/QT and Pocket Workstation
Wifi Linksys WCF12, SD 1GB Kingston (Ellite Pro)

SL-5500S Cacko Crow 30/30 home on SD
SD 1GB Kingston (the good one)
CF 1GB Kingston

Juanjo Santiso


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Debian Xqt/pwstation On Collie Revisited
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2008, 02:51:50 pm »
wauu dude... nice compilation!

You have a PM!