I am hoping we can persuade Anton to come out of retirement and produce and update to Cacko, if we can come up with a realistic list of things that would be a genuine step forwards.
Any luck?
We've actually not had many realistic proposals for real additions, have we? a few updates and a few bug fixes. Is there anything in the 3200 that wasn't in the 3100, apart from text to speech?
Also the >1GB SD card support was from the 3200 as well. pelrun also patched this for the c7x0 machines so that module can be used in in the non-cxxxx 1.2.4 releases. I would love to see SDHC backported to the 2.4 kernels as well.
Here is the rest of the list I would like to see:
Intergrating evilJazz's new 2.4 kernel with its faster video replay performance thanks to it's faster floating point emulation would be welcome to.
I would like to see the an updated swap part applet that supports greater than 128MB swaps.
An overclocking applet that that hides the crash happy overclocking settings on the 3200.
Backport and integrate the system wide copy and paste applet from Qtopia 2.2
Integrate WPA tools (including graphical) into the Cacko for easy WPA access. Include a wireless scanner that can used to automate the access point config.
As far a bug fixes for 1.23. Patch HancomWord so that the default font size is legible. Fix the power management so that the lowest screen brightness level doesn't turn off the backlight.
As far as browsers go I would recommend looking at basing it on the latest KHTML code. Safari on my iPod Touch has utterly shocked and awed me at how well it works. It is the best mobile browsing experience I have ever had (NetFront, Opera, FireFox, Dillo, and Blazer); it is faster and renders beautifully. FireFox on the Z is a complete dog compared to it. The gecko engine is totally unsuitable of handheld use, IMHO.