Hello, i have a little problem with this procedure on Zaurus C1000.
I have install the latest Cacko 1.23 and upgraded Kernel.
I have a Debian EABI customized (named Andromeda
http://yonggun.tistory.com/77) rootfs in the SD card which use a 2.6.24-4 yonggun Kernel and modules.
I follow the instructions for Cacko, sizing partition in NAND to 32Mb and, after flash, it's boot with any problems.
I flash yonggun Kernel 2.6.24-4 with your updater.sh (for C1000 only) and Debian boot...
The "Andromeda" have just included kexec. I have copy Cacko kernel into /boot directory, renamed cacko-zImage.bin and gave the commands:
kexec -u
kexec -l /boot/cacko-zImage.bin
kexec -e
Kernel start....but at the moment there are "2 milions" of errors and terminate with a Kernel Panic: Attempted to kill init!
Where I wrong?
The procedure is not compatible with kernel 2.6.24-4?
I thank you for your help !