Author Topic: 16gb Or 32gb Cf In Cxx00, Anyone?  (Read 11284 times)


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16gb Or 32gb Cf In Cxx00, Anyone?
« on: January 31, 2008, 07:40:33 am »
So has anyone tried using 16gb or 32gb CFs into the cxx00?
Does it work or is a kernel patch (again) needed?
Akita (Daily use)
<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>SL-C1000 with Cacko 1.23 full
Accessories: Wifi XI-825 CF  |  16GB (6) SDHC (Transcend) | 1GB 80x CF (RiDATA PRO-2) </span>

Collie (Sandbox)
<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>SL-5500 with OZ/GPE alpha3 build 2006-04-27
Accessories: 512MB A-Data SD | 64MB Toshiba SD</span>


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16gb Or 32gb Cf In Cxx00, Anyone?
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2008, 08:48:15 am »
Quote from: Snappy
So has anyone tried using 16gb or 32gb CFs into the cxx00?
Does it work or is a kernel patch (again) needed?

I have never noticed any posts complaining about problems with large capacity CF cards in the CF slot. HTH.

I have replaced my Hitachi microdrive in my 32000 with an Sandisk Extreme III 16 GB  CF card. It also worked in the CF slot. At the moment it is running Titchylinux from the internal CF card. Cacko worked fine with this mod, once I formatted it in the way that Sharp expected.

ZDevil has also done this mod with the same card. ADF put another type of 16GB card into his machine, A-Data I believe, and was unable to get the debian systems to work. I believe that he runs one of the pdaxrom varieties without problems.

If you search for threads about substituting CF cards for microdrives you will find a fair amount of relevant information about working CF cards.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2008, 08:52:47 am by tux »
3200 aka BigZ, swapped in 16GB Sandisk Extreme III CF, Cacko 1.23 full,  new SDHC >2GB module,
SL860 Cacko 1.23 full, new SDHC >2GB module,
6000L SharpRom 1.12 + Tetsu kernel,
5500 TKC home on SD x 2 (with SD>1GB),
Archos PMA30 with OPEN PMA (Giraffe),
Nokia 770 (Hackers Edition)
Nokia 800 (ITOS 2008), 4GB SDHC x 2
Asus eeepc 4G (black), with 1GB ram, dual boot Xandros on SSD with Ubuntu Lucid Lynx on 16 GB SDHC,
Tmobile G1 Android (black), with Cyanogen's  Firerat's MTD script and Amon Ra Recovery 1.7.0
Tmobile HTC Wildfire.. rooted and on Cyanogen's 7.3 nightly Rom
Kopi/Kapi on everything bar the phone and the Nokias, there is a beta for the nokias...

All the above are retired

Samsung Note 8 N5110
Samsung Note N7105
FBreader on the lot!


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16gb Or 32gb Cf In Cxx00, Anyone?
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2008, 02:40:46 pm »
I just replaced my 16 GB Sandisk Extreme III CF in my C3200 with a 32 GB A-DATA Speedy CF yesterday. Works perfectly even with the standard kernel 2.4.20.
Sharp Zaurus SL-C3200/36GB running Cacko : Fujitsu LifeBook U2010/64GB SSD running Win7 : Nokia N900 (yes, flame me.) Blog : Twitter : Trac
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16gb Or 32gb Cf In Cxx00, Anyone?
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2008, 05:54:05 pm »
Quote from: tux
I have replaced my Hitachi microdrive in my 32000

I've never heard of that model of Zaurus!
Gemini 4G/Wi-Fi owner, formerly zaurus C3100 and 860 owner; also owner of an HTC Doubleshot, a Zaurus-like phone.


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16gb Or 32gb Cf In Cxx00, Anyone?
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2008, 09:21:28 am »
*grin* ... Great news! ... speculatrix ... you pick!

I'm kinda holding back from requesting for a eeepc. The Z is doing its job just nice, and strangely its batt is still holding its charge quite well. It's been 1.5 yrs, so I'm surprised.

A spare mugen 2000mah batt is coming soon, so I might just fix up a 16gb CF to get my Z a new lease of life for another 2 yrs or so.

I find that even though I've got opera / netfront working nicely on my z, and a CF wifi setup to work, I've not been using surfing web on my z for a looong time. So the CF slot is sitting around doing nothin.

A 16gb should come in nicely.
Akita (Daily use)
<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>SL-C1000 with Cacko 1.23 full
Accessories: Wifi XI-825 CF  |  16GB (6) SDHC (Transcend) | 1GB 80x CF (RiDATA PRO-2) </span>

Collie (Sandbox)
<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>SL-5500 with OZ/GPE alpha3 build 2006-04-27
Accessories: 512MB A-Data SD | 64MB Toshiba SD</span>


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16gb Or 32gb Cf In Cxx00, Anyone?
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2008, 09:44:42 am »
Quote from: Snappy
*grin* ... Great news! ... speculatrix ... you pick!

I'm kinda holding back from requesting for a eeepc. The Z is doing its job just nice, and strangely its batt is still holding its charge quite well. It's been 1.5 yrs, so I'm surprised.

A spare mugen 2000mah batt is coming soon, so I might just fix up a 16gb CF to get my Z a new lease of life for another 2 yrs or so.

I find that even though I've got opera / netfront working nicely on my z, and a CF wifi setup to work, I've not been using surfing web on my z for a looong time. So the CF slot is sitting around doing nothin.

A 16gb should come in nicely.

My 3200 actually has a Sandisk Extreme III CF 16GB in it for more than half a year now.  
But now I also have a black Eee PC 701 as my favorite mobile gear.
Even though I was once crazy about my buddy 16GB Z, still I would say: the Eee PC fares far much better than the Z. Fully standard linux distros (mine got xubuntu), large and small enough keyboard to type away things fast and comfortably (which thumbboards can't do). Much snappier (CPU, SDHC, USB), comfortable and bigger screen (reading PDFs, CHMs and djvus is now a real pleasure, although the screen is admittedly less sharp than Z's), battery charge holds roughly the same length (around 3 hours with wifi on).
If pocketability is no longer the primary concern, and I don't have any Z, I would simply buy an Eee PC. It's just 2/3 the price of a 3200.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2008, 11:42:58 pm by ZDevil »

Life is too precious for hacking *too much*
Visit my Z screencap gallery[/color]
My EeePC 701 Black = Debian (Lenny) on IceRocks + Transcend SDHC Class6 8GB + 2GB RAM
My Zaurus SL-C3200 = Debian EABI (kernel on a swapped internal Sandisk Extreme III CF 16gb
My Debian EABI feed:
My OpenBSD/Zaurus feeds:  Link1, Link2


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16gb Or 32gb Cf In Cxx00, Anyone?
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2008, 08:28:19 am »
Quote from: ZDevil
Quote from: Snappy
*grin* ... Great news! ... speculatrix ... you pick!

I'm kinda holding back from requesting for a eeepc. The Z is doing its job just nice, and strangely its batt is still holding its charge quite well. It's been 1.5 yrs, so I'm surprised.

A spare mugen 2000mah batt is coming soon, so I might just fix up a 16gb CF to get my Z a new lease of life for another 2 yrs or so.

I find that even though I've got opera / netfront working nicely on my z, and a CF wifi setup to work, I've not been using surfing web on my z for a looong time. So the CF slot is sitting around doing nothin.

A 16gb should come in nicely.

My 3200 actually has a Sandisk Extreme III CF 16GB in it for more than half a year now.  
But now I also have a black Eee PC 701 as my favorite mobile gear.
Even though I was once crazy about my buddy 16GB Z, still I would say: the Eee PC fares far much better than the Z. Fully standard linux distros (mine got xubuntu), large and small enough keyboard to type away things fast and comfortably (which thumbboards can't do). Much snappier (CPU, SDHC, USB), comfortable and bigger screen (reading PDFs, CHMs and djvus is now a real pleasure, although the screen is admittedly less sharp than Z's), battery charge holds roughly the same length (around 3 hours with wifi on).
If pocketability is no longer the primary concern, and I don't have any Z, I would simply buy an Eee PC. It's just 2/3 the price of a 3200.

It's true ... sometimes it's crazy to think that just a year or two ago, no one would have tot it was logistically possible for us to have the eeepc at this price!

Well, I know that many z users, linux boys and girls, and gadgeteers in general are basking in gadget heaven right now ... at least until a) the novelty wears off (if it does!  ) or  Asus EOL the product (unlikely given that they just sold like some shameless number in 2007!) or c) some even cheaper gadget with 8.9" screen and more features than a swiss army knife. The last of which, eeepc users would be in a fix, feeling at once in heaven since such a cool gadget materialize yet on the other hand, regretting having gotten an eeepc too soon!

Back on thread, the 16gb is still quite exp now ... so I might settle for an 8gb for now. ...
Akita (Daily use)
<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>SL-C1000 with Cacko 1.23 full
Accessories: Wifi XI-825 CF  |  16GB (6) SDHC (Transcend) | 1GB 80x CF (RiDATA PRO-2) </span>

Collie (Sandbox)
<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>SL-5500 with OZ/GPE alpha3 build 2006-04-27
Accessories: 512MB A-Data SD | 64MB Toshiba SD</span>


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16gb Or 32gb Cf In Cxx00, Anyone?
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2009, 11:58:37 am »
Just kinda saw this old stump, and wanted to say that I have a Kingston 16gb that I picked up for USD 35 that works pretty well with Cacko on a 3200. Partitioned it to match and I've had no problems. It's kinda slow, but if I want speed I'll just use a super fast SD card.