*grin* ... Great news! ... speculatrix ... you pick!
I'm kinda holding back from requesting for a eeepc. The Z is doing its job just nice, and strangely its batt is still holding its charge quite well. It's been 1.5 yrs, so I'm surprised.
A spare mugen 2000mah batt is coming soon, so I might just fix up a 16gb CF to get my Z a new lease of life for another 2 yrs or so.
I find that even though I've got opera / netfront working nicely on my z, and a CF wifi setup to work, I've not been using surfing web on my z for a looong time. So the CF slot is sitting around doing nothin.
A 16gb should come in nicely.
My 3200 actually has a Sandisk Extreme III CF 16GB in it for more than half a year now.
But now I also have a black Eee PC 701 as my favorite mobile gear.
Even though I was once crazy about my buddy 16GB Z, still I would say: the Eee PC fares far much better than the Z. Fully standard linux distros (mine got xubuntu), large and small enough keyboard to type away things fast and comfortably (which thumbboards can't do). Much snappier (CPU, SDHC, USB), comfortable and bigger screen (reading PDFs, CHMs and djvus is now a real pleasure, although the screen is admittedly less sharp than Z's), battery charge holds roughly the same length (around 3 hours with wifi on).
If pocketability is no longer the primary concern, and I don't have any Z, I would simply buy an Eee PC. It's just 2/3 the price of a 3200.