Hello all of you,
I am new on this forum and english is not my mother language
I am a sofware writter since 20 years now and brand new on linux environment.
I am written a Cash register application using Opie on a Cirrus logic EDB9312 , ( the same code is running also in Casio cash register ( ITRON OS ) and on Windows XP). I wrote all of my softwares on DELPHI (pascal ) and wrote a software to convert them to C++.
On Opie i use Qt to manage the application but i directly write into the Frame buffer using a mmap file .
To accelerate the drawings i use the ioctl to access to FBIO_EP93XX_FILL and FBIO_EP93XX_LINE procedure . But i have seen in the sources of ep93xxfb.c that a FBIO_EP93XX_BLIT (which redirect it to cfb_imageblit) can be use to display bitmaps but i don't understand how to use it.
Can anyone help ?
void ep93xxfb_imageblit(struct fb_info *p, const struct fb_image *image)
// unsigned long blkdestwidth,tmp;
// void * pucBlitBuf;
cfb_imageblit( p , image );
if ((image->dx >= p->var.xres) ||
(image->dy >= p->var.yres) ||
((image->dx + image->width - 1) >= p->var.xres) ||
((image->dy + image->height - 1) >= p->var.yres))
if (epinfo.bpp != image->depth )
tmp = (( image->dx + image->width ) * epinfo.bpp );
blkdestwidth = tmp / 32;
if(blkdestwidth > 0 && (tmp % 32 == 0))
blkdestwidth = blkdestwidth - (image->dx * epinfo.bpp) / 32;
pucBlitBuf = kmalloc(1024*8,GFP_KERNEL);
copy_from_user(pucBlitBuf, image->data, 5000);
outl( 0x00000000 , BLOCKCTRL);
outl( 0x00000000, SRCPIXELSTRT);
outl( virt_to_phys(pucBlitBuf), BLKSRCSTRT);
outl( (image->width * epinfo.bpp) / 32 , SRCLINELENGTH);
outl(((image->width - 1) * epinfo.bpp) / 32, BLKSRCWIDTH );
outl(((image->dx * epinfo.bpp) & 0x1F) |
((((image->dx + image->width - 1) * epinfo.bpp ) & 0x1F) << 16)
outl((epinfo.fb_phys + (image->dy * epinfo.xres * epinfo.bpp ) / 8 +
(image->dx * epinfo.bpp ) / 8 )
outl( ((epinfo.xres * epinfo.bpp) / 32), DESTLINELENGTH );
outl( blkdestwidth, BLKDESTWIDTH );
outl( image->height - 1 , BLKDESTHEIGHT);
outl(image->fg_color, BLOCKMASK);
outl(image->bg_color, BACKGROUND);
outl( epinfo.pixformat | 0x00000003, BLOCKCTRL );