OK, I guess I can't build it (it fails with the version officially in OE, and my own 1.0.0 recipe doesn't work with the GPE patches.).
If you want just the WM, I can build that for you.
What can I say, Cap'n? I'm hugely grateful for your offer. I just want to be able to run X applications in re-sizable windows - not much to ask given that X-windows evolved for just such a purpose? I think it was fluxbox-gpe that I installed on OZ, nothing more. Hope that can compile OK.
BTW, I've never setup an OE development environment as I dont have the facilities. I'm a Mac G4 user (other than my Z's!).
As far as Angstrom on the Z is concerned, I know that icewm, xfce4 and even e17 appear in the feed but my experience is that none of them 'work'. If they run at all they require endless tweaking for menus and fonts to the extent that the average user will give up and re-flash. It also seems that even 2 years on, OZ has more apps than Angstrom, even if they are a bit long in the tooth now. Such a shame.
So, grumbles aside, Aye, Cap'n! Hit me with your best shot and lets see if I can condemn OZ down to Davey Jones' locker once and for all, ah-harrrggghh !