Hi All,
Does anyone know how to get the USB sub-system running on an Akita with the following OS's ? :
All of the main kernel modules are present, for example:
the kernel module:
is present , but when the mouse is attached, no go.
same for USB storage, and probably, just about everything else.
Capn_Fish kindly compiled a Module for me which modprobe loads happily, but when my RT73 Radio Card
is plugged in, same as all the other USB devices, no operation, and the system is not recognizing it at all
except for :
lsusb -v
which shows the manufacturers data for each USB device correctly, at least, the USB system is reading this
data from each device, so thats a good start.
Modprobe picks up and loads all Modules properly and normally.
lsusb list them after modprobe has loaded them.
Any suggestions anyone ?
If not, do you have an Angstrom Kernel 2.6.24 OS file we can all try that is not the same as the 2 OS's above ?