Author Topic: Any News?  (Read 3873 times)

Master One

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Any News?
« on: May 03, 2009, 04:31:24 am »
Looks like the SIMpad development is dying or has already died! I am still using a rather old image with the minimo browser, have to live with the fact, that it crashes all the time if a webpage has too much content, no flash, and no, VNC is not an option...

Did nothing else happen since last year?

I really just want a simple image with just a working webbrowser and flash support, it does not have to contain anything else (no PIM or such). Is it really that hard to accomplish? And no, I can not roll my own, I am just a user.

Master One

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Any News?
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2009, 04:52:29 am »
Interesting, there was something going on: Did anybody here play around with the Online Image Builder for the Angstrom Distribution?

I just took a look, not quite sure what to select for inclusion, and the resulting image file is just a .tar.bz2 archive containing the filesystem, so no clue how to get that one onto a SIMpad.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2009, 04:53:01 am by Master One »