Author Topic: Is Watapon Stable ?  (Read 4276 times)


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Is Watapon Stable ?
« on: June 03, 2009, 02:43:13 pm »

Did anywone try Watapon 1,6x on sl-5600 with a PXA-250 ? is it stable ? And how to do the standard benchmark ?

thanks, L


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Is Watapon Stable ?
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2009, 06:02:14 pm »
Another question, is if there still a feed somewhere (i didn't find any, nyar is broken) and can one install normal ipk for sharp ROMs on a zaurus with watapon ?

What is *not* working on watapon (irda ? linksys cf12... )

If there is no feed, how to isntall mplayer. If there was a feed, that means that the packages where different from other dsitributions...  ?

thanks, L