Author Topic: Help Oz Newbie Find Feeds  (Read 5638 times)


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Help Oz Newbie Find Feeds
« on: February 22, 2010, 07:10:01 am »
dear destrecht,

Our forum admin tried moving your query to here so we can help you,  but your post accidentally got deleted,  so I am  posting my answer in a new thread.

 As I recall, you are a new Zaurus owner who installed OZ on your collie, but are having serious problems  finding applications to install.    You said you found a list of applications  somewhere, but that all the links you find for feeds are broken.  And you asked if there are any rules.  And maybe if Qtopia applications will work on openzaurus.  

I am not an OZ expert, I use Sharp ROM myself, but I can  start to  answer some of your questions, as the ROMs have  a lot in common.

Yes, lots of links may be broken, but if you have the exact name of the ipks you are looking for from the catalog or from a  broken link, and fail to find it at one of the sites below, then put the filename into google, or ask for help here at oesf with locating a specific ipk you are looking for.

Next feed is functional,  most apps are for Sharp ROMs, but many are for OZ:

and more feeds are listed here, but most are for pdaxrom:  

This next feed looks good, but I am not sure if the apps  are for your rom:
If you have trouble installing, ask here, or follow the basic steps for installation on my ipk installation guide at:

What do you mean when you ask if there are any rules?  Was that a query about forum rules? I think those should be somewhere in a menu.... anyone want to give a link to the forum rules?  Once your membership has been approved - and it has been - you can post and reply to topics in appropriate subforums, but no spam is allowed.

sl5500 running Sharp ROM 2.38 (dead batteries)
sl6000L running Sharp ROM 1.12 (still working)
Opera 7.25 and 7.30
Socket CF 56k modem
3Com USB Ethernet Adapter
Toshiba, Lexar and Kingston SD cards
Lexar, Kingston and Transcend CF cards


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Help Oz Newbie Find Feeds
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2010, 12:19:04 am »
If you still  have trouble finding an app you need, and cannot find it on your own, then tell us what you need so we can help.

Here are a few more currently active feeds not mentioned above:

sl5500 running Sharp ROM 2.38 (dead batteries)
sl6000L running Sharp ROM 1.12 (still working)
Opera 7.25 and 7.30
Socket CF 56k modem
3Com USB Ethernet Adapter
Toshiba, Lexar and Kingston SD cards
Lexar, Kingston and Transcend CF cards