Author Topic: New Member - Just Blown Cacko Into My Sl-c860  (Read 5590 times)


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New Member - Just Blown Cacko Into My Sl-c860
« on: May 12, 2010, 02:53:02 am »
I've had my SL-C860 since ... 2003 (I think) but only pressed it into service when my Psion 3C failed in 2005. I've run the standard Sharp ROM all this time, occasionally thinking of trying one of the alternatives. I've just taken the plunge and blown Cacko 1.23 - brilliant!

Also got 512MB SD, Audiovox GPRS, Symbol Spectrum WiFi, Ethernet ... and some other stuff I've forgotten.

All for now,

SL-C860 since 2004 running Cacko 1.23 since May 2010
Olympus XD > CF adaptor (to replace lost dust cover)
Kingston 256MB SD and 32GB SDHC (in anticipation of SDHC package working)
Symbol Spectrum24 LA-4137 WiFi
TRENDnet TE-CF100 Ethernet CF card
Audiovox RTM8000 GPRS packet radio CF card
KoPi Suite (replaces my infirm Psion 3C, now in a nursing home for dying technology)


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New Member - Just Blown Cacko Into My Sl-c860
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2010, 04:17:29 am »
Good to see you guys have lives outside Zaurus!

Seeing the post about SDHC cards, I tried downloading the 860 file and I get an MD5 error when running IPKG from the command line, just like Keef. I tried downloading with Opera, Netfront and also on my big Linux (Ubuntu) box. I believe I'm right in saying that IPK files are modified DEBs and effectively a GZIP archive. When I try and look at the file on my Linux box with Gnome File Roller, it opens OK but try and extract and I get "an Error occurred while extracting".

All for now,

SL-C860 since 2004 running Cacko 1.23 since May 2010
Olympus XD > CF adaptor (to replace lost dust cover)
Kingston 256MB SD and 32GB SDHC (in anticipation of SDHC package working)
Symbol Spectrum24 LA-4137 WiFi
TRENDnet TE-CF100 Ethernet CF card
Audiovox RTM8000 GPRS packet radio CF card
KoPi Suite (replaces my infirm Psion 3C, now in a nursing home for dying technology)


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New Member - Just Blown Cacko Into My Sl-c860
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2010, 04:41:13 pm »
Quote from: rlubikey
Seeing the post about SDHC cards, I tried downloading the 860 file and I get an MD5 error when running IPKG from the command line, just like Keef. I tried downloading with Opera, Netfront and also on my big Linux (Ubuntu) box. I believe I'm right in saying that IPK files are modified DEBs and effectively a GZIP archive. When I try and look at the file on my Linux box with Gnome File Roller, it opens OK but try and extract and I get "an Error occurred while extracting".
"tar xzvf file.ipk" should always extrach sharp or cacko rom packages. You then use "tar xzvf data.tar.gz" to extract the ipk files that are normally installed when you install it. If you can't extract it that way then it is likely you will not be able to install the ipk on your zaurus either.

Regarding the md5 error on this package. I guess cacko uses a different module than the Japanese roms. Because this package was made by a Japanese Zaurus user he probably didn't take into account the cacko (english) users. Did you try replacing your module with the module posted in the other thread and then instaling the new ipk? Hopefully that will work.
SL-C3100 happily Dualbooting Japanese Rom 1.02 and Debian Eabi
Replaced internal CF with 8gb seagate cf hard drive
Ambicom CF GPS
CyberPower battery powered USB hub


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New Member - Just Blown Cacko Into My Sl-c860
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2010, 08:52:41 am »
Greetings! Thanks for the reply Xamindar. It wasn't my intention to duplicate the SDHC thread elsewhere on the forum, just do my best to show I was a real person on the new member topic area. I'll continue the SDHC stuff on the other thread.

I see members don't get to see the new member applications. Probably a good thing as, sadly, it's about 99.99% spammers :¬(

« Last Edit: May 20, 2010, 09:29:36 am by rlubikey »
SL-C860 since 2004 running Cacko 1.23 since May 2010
Olympus XD > CF adaptor (to replace lost dust cover)
Kingston 256MB SD and 32GB SDHC (in anticipation of SDHC package working)
Symbol Spectrum24 LA-4137 WiFi
TRENDnet TE-CF100 Ethernet CF card
Audiovox RTM8000 GPRS packet radio CF card
KoPi Suite (replaces my infirm Psion 3C, now in a nursing home for dying technology)


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New Member - Just Blown Cacko Into My Sl-c860
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2010, 10:48:45 am »
Quote from: rlubikey
I see members don't get to see the new member applications. Probably a good thing as, sadly, it's about 99.99% spammers :¬(

yes, and on the one hand it's annoying, but on the other it's great - all those idiots and their spam bots and there's noone there to "appreciate" their efforts  
Gemini 4G/Wi-Fi owner, formerly zaurus C3100 and 860 owner; also owner of an HTC Doubleshot, a Zaurus-like phone.