Author Topic: Cacko 5500 ROM ( a few quick questions )  (Read 1225 times)


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Cacko 5500 ROM ( a few quick questions )
« on: March 23, 2004, 05:22:32 pm »
Hey folks.

After owning my SL-5500 for a few days I decided I\'d try out a new ROM and chose the cacko ([span style=\'font-size:16pt;line-height:100%\']labelled as \" 5500 - Advanced Flash ROM update 3.10 (kernel 2.4.18) \"[/span]) so I could make best use of all my SDRAM. After two weeks of usage, things have been mostly fine but occasionally I will reboot the Z and it will simply hang where \"Rebooting System\" would normally be displayed on the terminal. The screen ever-so-slowly fades white and the green mail LED lights.

When it first happened I was shocked but flipped the battery switch, hoping to hard-reboot. Nothing happened; the screen and LED stayed lit, so I either have to remove the battery or press the Full Reset button. This isn\'t normal, is it?

On recovering from this \"hanging\", the home preparation script runs meaning I have to re-set my Passwd, Tabs, System Keys, Appearance and Local Time. Not fun  :/

One other thing.. Should removing the battery have the same effect as a Full Reset? I left the machine charging for almost a full day when I first receieved it; surely the internal backup battery hasn\'t lost its charge already?

Thanks in advance for any advice.