Ah, ok, I had this problem recently after I did a hard reboot.
I\'m on a 5600, using xmms .00005pre, your mileage may vary.
After installing xmms, there will be a .xmms directory in /home/root
You need to copy this directory to the directory of the user that gui run as. On the 5600 that\'s /home/zaurus; specifically, if the file \"config\" is missing, xmms will attempt to malloc about 500MB on startup. 500MB of memory not being available, it will of course fail.
# cp -r /home/root/.xmms /home/zaurus/
Then you\'ll find that xmms, like a lot of qtopia programs, is sensitive to the ownership of the Qt/Embedded file; specifically you\'ll get messages that \"QT/Emdedded is not owned by user N\" where N is the uid of the usr trying to run xmms. Somehow, trying to run from the console (perhaps if su root) causes problems with this.
Rebooting may fix this; a sure fix is a chown.
The \"Qt/Embedded\" files are in /temp, named qtembedded-USERNAME, thus qtembedded-root and qtembedded-zaurus. Make sure qtembedded root is owned by root and group qpe, make sure qtembedded-zaurus is owned by zaurus:
# su root
# chown root:qpe /tmp/qtembedded-root
# chown zaurus:qpe /tmp/qtembedded-zaurus