Hi,just a reminder that all SL models of Zaurus are still supported by Ångström! The latest nightly builds can be found, for some models they even have been released today: http://dominion.thruhere.net/angstrom/nightlies/Here are all the supported models, the date indicates the compilation time:Spitz (SL-C3000) - 15.09.2016http://dominion.thruhere.net/angstrom/nigh...v2016.06/spitz/Akita (SL-C1000) - 16.10.2016http://dominion.thruhere.net/angstrom/nigh...v2016.06/akita/Tosa (SL-6000) - 15.09.2016http://dominion.thruhere.net/angstrom/nigh.../v2016.06/tosa/C7x0 - 17.10.2016http://dominion.thruhere.net/angstrom/nigh.../v2016.06/c7x0/Poodle (SL-5600) - 15.09.2016http://dominion.thruhere.net/angstrom/nigh...2016.06/poodle/Collie (SL-5500) - 17.10.2016http://dominion.thruhere.net/angstrom/nigh...2016.06/collie/So Arch Linux ARM isn't the only actively developed distro nowadays Is anybody running it?Varti
These look like automated builds using OE/Yocto. Someone needs to do some testing, eg. does the kernel provided boot properly ? Where is the documentation ? Does it actually work ?
I tested the c7x0 (base 20.10.2016) build on my c760 and it booted fine. Now I'm going to test wireless and fix key mappings. So far it looks good.
I will try to use that kernel with Arch Linux and report back.