Author Topic: Debian (technology preview) firmware now available for download!  (Read 14760 times)


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Debian (technology preview) firmware now available for download!
« Reply #15 on: March 10, 2018, 10:10:30 am »
Has anyone gotten the linux image to work (not the android one) keep hitting the corrupt zip issue at my end
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Debian (technology preview) firmware now available for download!
« Reply #16 on: March 10, 2018, 11:16:05 am »
Quote from: Da_Blitz
Has anyone gotten the linux image to work (not the android one) keep hitting the corrupt zip issue at my end

I've flashed both these images today using the linux version of the flash tool:
$ md5sum Gemini*zip

Though I don't think there's any need to flash the Android version as I think the Debian image has both and after flashing you can boot into either.

I'm sshd in from my laptop over the usb port. The system came up with IP address on my device. So I gave my laptop .100, started sshd and am logged in. It's a bit too fiddly running an xterm as I'm not sure how the keyboard is supposed to be configured, so am missing all sorts of characters.

[div class=\'codetop\']CODE[/div][div class=\'codemain\' style=\'height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto\']root@localhost:~# df
Filesystem      1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mmcblk0p29   6597520 4208024   2031316  68% /
devtmpfs          1954532       0   1954532   0% /dev
tmpfs             1955248       0   1955248   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs             1955248  189344   1765904  10% /run
tmpfs                5120       4      5116   1% /run/lock
tmpfs             1955248       0   1955248   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/loop0         664280  635676     14268  98% /system
none              1955248    4588   1950660   1% /var/lib/lxc/android/rootfs
/dev/mmcblk0p28    428488     400    419244   1% /cache
/dev/mmcblk0p8       3952      68      3724   2% /protect_f
/dev/mmcblk0p9       8456      60      8144   1% /protect_s
tmpfs              391048       8    391040   1% /run/user/100000
tmpfs              391048       0    391048   0% /run/user/0
root@localhost:~# ls /var/lib/lxc/android/rootfs /system
app  boot    data  fake-libs    fonts      lib    lost+found  priv-app      tts  vendor
bin  build.prop  etc   fake-libs64  framework  lib64  media     recovery-from-boot.p   usr  xbin

acct          etc              init.epdg.rc         init.usb.configfs.rc       nvcfg       sepolicy
bugreports     factory_init.connectivity.rc  init.extraenv.armeabi-v7a.rc  init.usb.rc            nvdata       service_contexts
cache          factory_init.project.rc        init.mal.rc         init.volte.rc         oem       socket
charger        factory_init.rc           init.modem.rc         init.zygote32.rc         proc       storage
config          file_contexts.bin        init.mt6797.rc         init.zygote64_32.rc         property_contexts  sys
custom          fstab.mt6797           init.mt6797.usb.rc         meta_init.connectivity.rc  protect_f       system
d          init              init.project.rc         meta_init.modem.rc         protect_s       ueventd.mt6797.rc
data          init.aee.rc           init.rc            meta_init.project.rc       sbin       ueventd.rc
default.prop   init.common_svc.rc        init.recovery.mt6797.rc      meta_init.rc            sdcard       vendor
dev          init.connectivity.rc        init.rilproxy.rc         mnt               seapp_contexts    verity_key  init.environ.rc           init.sensor.rc         multi_init.rc         selinux_version
root@localhost:~# man ofonod
ofonod(8)                                                   System Manager's Manual                                                  ofonod(8)

       ofonod - oFono mobile telephony daemon
« Last Edit: March 10, 2018, 11:40:20 am by paulx »


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Debian (technology preview) firmware now available for download!
« Reply #17 on: March 10, 2018, 12:34:35 pm »
Quote from: paulx
[div class=\'codetop\']CODE[/div][div class=\'codemain\' style=\'height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto\']
$ md5sum Gemini*zip

Interestingly the binaries i pull off the site have different hashes

i did note a trustzone binary in there which if we are lucky means the hardware visualization stuff is in there, poking around the arm github pages points to some alternate implementations but it will all depend on if it needs to be signed. with any luck planetcom has he keys to the kingdom and not mediatek
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Gemini Order: #95 (roughly)
Current Device: Samsung Chromebook Gen 3
Current Arm Devices Count: ~30
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Debian (technology preview) firmware now available for download!
« Reply #18 on: March 10, 2018, 12:48:37 pm »
Quote from: Da_Blitz
i did note a trustzone binary in there which if we are lucky means the hardware visualization stuff is in there, poking around the arm github pages points to some alternate implementations but it will all depend on if it needs to be signed. with any luck planetcom has he keys to the kingdom and not mediatek
It's built from source (mtee) in MediaTek AOSP tree, so likely we can modify it or run custom software.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2018, 12:53:21 pm by TheKit »


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Debian (technology preview) firmware now available for download!
« Reply #19 on: March 11, 2018, 04:30:30 am »
Quote from: Da_Blitz
i did note a trustzone binary in there which if we are lucky means the hardware visualization stuff is in there, poking around the arm github pages points to some alternate implementations but it will all depend on if it needs to be signed. with any luck planetcom has he keys to the kingdom and not mediatek

What is it you're looking for with trustzone exactly? I only see the source of the CAs available, but don't understand what you wish to achieve.


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Debian (technology preview) firmware now available for download!
« Reply #20 on: March 12, 2018, 03:08:58 am »
I borrowed a Mac to download and extract the image and flashed Debian to my Gemini, It boots to a login screen user Gemini, anyone know what the password is??


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Debian (technology preview) firmware now available for download!
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2018, 07:12:55 am »
Quote from: JMD
I borrowed a Mac to download and extract the image and flashed Debian to my Gemini, It boots to a login screen user Gemini, anyone know what the password is??
Password is "gemini", same as login (you can change that later with passwd).


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Debian (technology preview) firmware now available for download!
« Reply #22 on: March 12, 2018, 07:38:48 am »
Lol, didn't try that thought it was too obvious!


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Debian (technology preview) firmware now available for download!
« Reply #23 on: March 12, 2018, 11:52:52 am »
Quote from: JMD
Lol, didn't try that thought it was too obvious!
Though that's what documentation is for . . .

Atari Portfolio (yes, it still works and yes, I bought it new)
Libretto 110 CT (with docking station and all kinds of PCMCIA stuff)
And, now, a Gemini and, fortunately, a GPD Pocket


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Debian (technology preview) firmware now available for download!
« Reply #24 on: March 12, 2018, 06:23:38 pm »
Quote from: depscribe
Quote from: JMD
Lol, didn't try that thought it was too obvious!
Though that's what documentation is for . . .

Hmm didn't see that, I looked all over the instructions. Had a quick try, seems pretty smooth so far 😀


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Debian (technology preview) firmware now available for download!
« Reply #25 on: March 12, 2018, 09:06:05 pm »
Quote from: JMD
Quote from: depscribe
Quote from: JMD
Lol, didn't try that thought it was too obvious!
Though that's what documentation is for . . .

Hmm didn't see that, I looked all over the instructions. Had a quick try, seems pretty smooth so far 😀
Was joking. We await documentation. I believe I read that Mike Halsey is writing it. For the Linux side, we are likely on our own, but there are already enough really talented and skilled people involved that I do not forsee much of a problem.

Atari Portfolio (yes, it still works and yes, I bought it new)
Libretto 110 CT (with docking station and all kinds of PCMCIA stuff)
And, now, a Gemini and, fortunately, a GPD Pocket


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Debian (technology preview) firmware now available for download!
« Reply #26 on: March 13, 2018, 12:58:55 am »
Quote from: depscribe
Quote from: JMD
Quote from: depscribe
Quote from: JMD
Lol, didn't try that thought it was too obvious!
Though that's what documentation is for . . .

Hmm didn't see that, I looked all over the instructions. Had a quick try, seems pretty smooth so far 😀
Was joking. We await documentation. I believe I read that Mike Halsey is writing it. For the Linux side, we are likely on our own, but there are already enough really talented and skilled people involved that I do not forsee much of a problem.


ok, for the record, I downloaded the img using a Mac after having errors unzipping it using Windows and Linux. Early days, I couldn't find bluetooth or get an external monitor to register (I'm not that experienced with LXQT tbf), look forward to later releases,



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Debian (technology preview) firmware now available for download!
« Reply #27 on: March 15, 2018, 06:07:29 am »
Quote from: TheKit
Quote from: JMD
I borrowed a Mac to download and extract the image and flashed Debian to my Gemini, It boots to a login screen user Gemini, anyone know what the password is??
Password is "gemini", same as login (you can change that later with passwd).

Thanks just got it loaded and tried GEMINI as the password and it didn't work. The tried gemini and it worked but now the screen is black ok after 40 seconds it booted to Welcome to LXQt.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2018, 06:11:23 am by 1668880 »


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Debian (technology preview) firmware now available for download!
« Reply #28 on: March 15, 2018, 07:03:02 am »
Quote from: 1668880
Quote from: TheKit
Quote from: JMD
I borrowed a Mac to download and extract the image and flashed Debian to my Gemini, It boots to a login screen user Gemini, anyone know what the password is??
Password is "gemini", same as login (you can change that later with passwd).

Thanks just got it loaded and tried GEMINI as the password and it didn't work. The tried gemini and it worked but now the screen is black ok after 40 seconds it booted to Welcome to LXQt.

Has  anyone had luck with setting up the WiFi?


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Debian (technology preview) firmware now available for download!
« Reply #29 on: March 15, 2018, 10:49:56 am »
I am wondering if anyone knows of an emulator that supports the Mediatek SoC such that it would be possible for those of us who have not yet gotten our gadgets yet at least to be able to run the tech preview in a VM. It seems that this might be useful, even if only to try out the apps Adam Boardman is working on. The documentation foe qemu does not list anything I recognize as an X25 or X27, but I am not well versed in ARM nomenclature, and documentation does not always keep up with code.

Does anyone here know? If nothing else, it might give us something to do while awaiting our Gemini.

Atari Portfolio (yes, it still works and yes, I bought it new)
Libretto 110 CT (with docking station and all kinds of PCMCIA stuff)
And, now, a Gemini and, fortunately, a GPD Pocket