OK, so I could see potentially giving Google 2 icons worth of home page - maybe ... but 5 for a search bar PLUS icons for actually useful things - that is a bit much.
So, I want to shrink the Google search bar down to 1x1 or 1x2 instead of it's 1x5 format. But - it cannot be selected, dragged or deleted.
There are positions for 30 icons on my home screen and Google has decided they need 5 of them for a mandatory search bar?
Alternatively I've tried to switch 'home screen' to one of the other desktops - nope. Home can only be the far left desktop - not the middle one or the right one, only the far left one. And - the far left one will not move right or allow itself to be replaced by one of the others.
And here's the kicker - it's use of 5 icons worth of space is completely pointless as you're not entering any text directly into it. Selecting the thing pops up a full screen search application. If that width were actually there as a text input box, I might be a bit more sympathetic. But, as-is, what a waste of screen real estate.
Does anyone have a solution to make Google's search BBBBBAAAAARRRRR into a G! icon?