Author Topic: Getting to SFOS 3.x on Gemini PDA  (Read 12425 times)


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Getting to SFOS 3.x on Gemini PDA
« Reply #15 on: November 02, 2018, 07:37:48 pm »
Quote from: Meganerd
I havent gotten too much time to play around just yet.

The top menus seem like they have utility for sure. I am curious if I can customize it with more than the system options, like a specified app.

I am not noticing too much different off the bat. Certainly I appreciate it has security fixes.

Regarding the Android app alerts- I did see some mentioning of a hack to get that working but it was only a thread I read once while researching AlienDalvik- I am sure you know more about this than I and likely tried it.
There's an applet for the alerts, but it's kind of hit-and-miss, working with some applications and not working with others. The solution was hoped to be found in the new webkit, which was supposed to include notification support and therefore making a native web app for ProtonMail would have been relatively easy. But that improvement is apparently not there, either.

I suspect there will soon be top menu enhancements on OpenRepos.

The community meeting on IRC last week was pretty cranky as developers learned the amount of stuff that was promised for SFOS 3 but that isn't there. Jolla's rep said that no one ever said it would be in 3.0 and that all this good stuff will roll out over the life of SFOS 3, which to me is a little slippery on the part of Jolla.

My impression so far is that it includes improvements suitable for, say, a 2.3 upgrade but not a 3.0. Maybe you see things under the hood that justify it, but I haven't. Features are still lacking -- VoLTE, VoIP (important to me out in the country, where the cell signal doesn't reach; had wifi calling on my Blackberry since forever, but it hasn't come to SFOS yet, which is annoying). As to security, they still apparently haven't fixed the Mozilla security issue that everyone else fixed a year ago. The changelog and known issues list are disappointing. And there's a whiff of them concentrating on enterprise rather than end users, which is worrisome.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2018, 07:38:49 pm by depscribe »

Atari Portfolio (yes, it still works and yes, I bought it new)
Libretto 110 CT (with docking station and all kinds of PCMCIA stuff)
And, now, a Gemini and, fortunately, a GPD Pocket


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Getting to SFOS 3.x on Gemini PDA
« Reply #16 on: November 02, 2018, 09:17:05 pm »
Hi Meganerd,

This is the full output:
[div class=\'codetop\']CODE[/div][div class=\'codemain\' style=\'height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto\'][div class=\'codetop\']CODE[/div][div class=\'codemain\' style=\'height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto\']root@Sailfish ~]# more /usr/share/ssu/features.d/adaptation-community-common.ini
[root@Sailfish nemo]# more /usr/share/ssu/features.d/adaptation-community-common.ini
repos = adaptation-community-common
pattern = Feature adaptation community common
description = Common packages needed by community's HW adaptation

adaptation-community-common =
[root@Sailfish ~]# more /usr/share/ssu/features.d/adaptation-community.ini      
repos = adaptation-community
pattern = Feature community adaptation
description = Enable ssu for community ports

adaptation-community =
[root@Sailfish ~]# ssu release
Changing release from to
Your device is now in release mode!
[root@Sailfish ~]# pkcon refresh
Refreshing cache                                                                                                                             Starting                                                                                                                                     Refreshing software list                                                                                                                    
Fatal error: File '/repodata/repomd.xml' not found on medium ''

[root@Sailfish ~]#


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Getting to SFOS 3.x on Gemini PDA
« Reply #17 on: November 02, 2018, 09:39:13 pm »
Quote from: klampfenfreak
[root@Sailfish ~]# pkcon refresh
Refreshing cache           Starting          Refreshing software list
Fatal error: File '/repodata/repomd.xml' not found on medium ''

So it appears that you're device is still looking for the testing repo.
Your adaptation files are correct however.

Can you reboot then run and also post the output for the commands
Code: [Select]
ssu ur
ssu lr


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Getting to SFOS 3.x on Gemini PDA
« Reply #18 on: November 02, 2018, 10:21:53 pm »
Quote from: depscribe
Okay, that makes sense. Then the free -- "community" -- edition is the same as the Jolla edition, only no aliendalvik, MS exch., etc.

I should say that having used aliendalvik on my Xperia, I'm unimpressed, partly because I need it for ProtonMail's app and it does not offer alerts, even with every known hack, and partly because Googledroid apps are kind of icky.

Now that you have SFOS 3, what do you think of it? Like the new top menus?

You peaked my curiosity on this a bit. I see the repo URL. I am wondering what would happen if this string was replaced with a device that did support AlienDalvik?

By any chance could you give the output of the command
Code: [Select]
ssu lr

Just poking around myself...

Get a login prompt to which I tried the following and more (none worked- is the password sent to the server a hashed password?)
User, Password
Meganerd, <mypassword>, <mypassword>
unknown, 0

Get 403 Forbidden & redirected to this CDN URL
Perhaps I get this HTTP error code due to my browsers User-Agent? I may spoof the UA of the phone to see what happens

Code: [Select]
[root@Sailfish certs]# ssu lr
Enabled repositories (global):
 - adaptation-community        ...
 - adaptation-community-common ...
[D] unknown:0 - "No carrier"
 - apps                        ...
 - hotfixes                    ...
 - jolla                       ...

Enabled repositories (user):
 - openrepos-Meganerd      ...
 - openrepos-Schturman     ...
 - openrepos-llelectronics ...
 - openrepos-osetr         ...
 - openrepos-rinigus       ...
 - store                   ...

Disabled repositories (global, might be overridden by user config):

Disabled repositories (user):
 - home                                                                                                          ...

Code: [Select]
[root@Sailfish certs]# ssu ur
[D] unknown:0 - "No carrier"
[root@Sailfish certs]# ssu --help

Usage: ssu [-command-options] [arguments]

Repository management:
    updaterepos, ur            update repository files
    repos, lr                  list configured repositories
               [-m]            format output suitable for kickstart
               [device]        use repos for 'device'
               [flags]         additional flags
               rnd=     set rnd or release mode (default: take from host)
    addrepo, ar          add this repository
               [url]           specify URL, if not configured
    removerepo, rr       remove this repository from configuration
    enablerepo, er       enable this repository
    disablerepo, dr     disable this repository

Configuration management:
    flavour, fl              display flavour used (RnD only)
      [newflavour]           set new flavour
    release, re              display release used
      [-r]                   use RnD release
      [newrelease]           set new (RnD)release
    set                      display global variables
      [-r]                   operate on repository only variables
                   display value of
           set value of to

Device management:
    status, s         print registration status and device information
    register, r       register this device
          [-h]        configure user for OBS home
    update, up        update repository credentials
          [-f]        force update
    model, mo         print name of device model (like N9)

[root@Sailfish certs]#
[root@Sailfish certs]# ssu s
Device registration status: not registered
Device model: Gemini PDA (geminipda / geminipda)
Device UID: **********************
Domain: sales
[root@Sailfish certs]#

My final thought was maybe installing CA cert for BURP at /etc/pki/tls/certs/
so that I may see some of the traffic from the device to the repos.

More on adding CA cert see:
Code: [Select]

I don't know if Jolla would be upset if anything did come of this? I am just a curious guy
« Last Edit: November 02, 2018, 10:28:13 pm by Meganerd »


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Getting to SFOS 3.x on Gemini PDA
« Reply #19 on: November 02, 2018, 10:46:08 pm »
ok, finally got it. I have removed my adaption-community*.ini.backup files from features.d folder. Or it was just a question of time to get these early release...?
Download running...grrrrr , hope the network power issue is fixed !


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Getting to SFOS 3.x on Gemini PDA
« Reply #20 on: November 03, 2018, 01:09:40 pm »
Hello everyone, just wanted to let you all know I am flashing back to my old 2.x sailfish OS build.
I absolutely require tethering as it is my main Internet connection.
So I will have to stop my testing here.

If anyone is able to get the tethering to work let me know! If I can get it working I would probably flash back to and continue testing and working on fixes.

My final thoughts:
I don't see much differences in SFOS Seems very premature to even give it such a version jump honestly.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2018, 01:35:40 pm by Meganerd »