Author Topic: phone call under  (Read 3309 times)


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phone call under
« on: January 18, 2019, 12:23:03 pm »
Can anyone please test phone call under newest sailfish In my case is always active speaker on the side with headphone jack, but so is the microphone! Does not mean that the other caller cannot hear me, but the quality of the call is reduced.

And BTW, silver button now does something, but only silencing the ring or vibration, still does not work to answer a call.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2019, 12:23:31 pm by rasva »
Gemini 4G/SailfishX

In past: Zaurus SL-C3200, Jornada 728, 690, Mobilepro 900C, Sharp PC3100, HP 200LX....


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phone call under
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2019, 06:02:43 pm »
Quote from: rasva
Can anyone please test phone call under newest sailfish In my case is always active speaker on the side with headphone jack, but so is the microphone! Does not mean that the other caller cannot hear me, but the quality of the call is reduced.

And BTW, silver button now does something, but only silencing the ring or vibration, still does not work to answer a call.

Yep, it has always worked that way for me. One day when I get annoyed enough, I'll see if I can convince pulseaudio to use the other microphone. As you said, it doesn't stop people hearing you, just lowers the quality.


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phone call under
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2019, 08:33:33 am »
Could it be the "back" microphone by any chance? This is from /etc/pulse/xpolicy.conf

Code: [Select]
# -------- Variable section ----------------------------------------------------                                                                          
# Defaults. To override define variables with new values                                                                                                  
# in xpolicy.conf.d directory (for example xpolicy.conf.d/xvars.conf).                                                                                    
# sinks, sources and ports                                                                                                                                
droid_source_input_microphone = input-builtin_mic                                                                                                        
droid_source_input_backmicrophone = input-back_mic        


# -------- Device section ------------------------------------------------------                                                                          
type   = microphone                                                                                                                                      
source = droid.input.builtin@equals:"true"                                                                                                                
ports  = droid.input.builtin@equals:"true"->$droid_source_input_microphone                                                                                
type   = backmicrophone                                                                                                                                  
source = droid.input.builtin@equals:"true"                                                                                                                
ports = droid.input.builtin@equals:"true"->$droid_source_input_backmicrophone

But I cannot find where is then made a choice which microphone is used.

May be here?

Code: [Select]
name   = call                                                                                                                                            
flags  = set_sink, set_source                                                                                                                            
sink   = droid.output.low_latency@equals:"true"                                                                                                          
source = droid.input.builtin@equals:"true"
« Last Edit: January 19, 2019, 08:46:53 am by rasva »
Gemini 4G/SailfishX

In past: Zaurus SL-C3200, Jornada 728, 690, Mobilepro 900C, Sharp PC3100, HP 200LX....