Author Topic: EPOC on Wine on Exagear on SfOS?  (Read 4062 times)


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EPOC on Wine on Exagear on SfOS?
« on: February 18, 2019, 04:41:01 am »
I've not yet managed to load SfOS but hope to soon, so please forgive an ignorant question from a newbie. If as I understand SfOS is built on Linux, is it theoretically possible to run EPOC on Wine on Exagear on SfOS as mentioned for linux here?

I don't suppose anyone has tried this, have they? (As mentioned in the last post on that thread it appears that Exagear may stop being available from end of this month.)
Thanks in advance.


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EPOC on Wine on Exagear on SfOS?
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2019, 05:53:36 pm »
I've now managed to load SailfishOS (boot 1) with Android (boot 3) and am enjoying playing with it. I bought a copy of exagear desktop and thought I'd try it with Sailfish. (It is not my main phone, so I can afford to fiddle around with it, though I'm fairly short of time, so don't particularly want to be having to reinstall stuff repeatedly if I can avoid it.)

Downloaded exagear and following the instructions ran ./ as root. I got the following error:
"./ line 73: arch: command not found
No enough space on your /dev/sailfish/root file system. 1500M is required for exagear. You got only 967M. Please perform some cleanup or resize partition and try again."

I'm assuming that resizing partitions is unwise, as likely to make it hard for me to use the Flashing tool and scatter file when I next need to update Android, or Sailfish, or want to try installing Debian TP3.

df shows that I indeed have only 989690 Available, 59% Used. Lots of space left on /home, which is only 3% full, 852840 Used of 36918748 Available.
I don't suppose it is possible to run / install exagear somewhere other than root, e.g. /home, is it?

Any thoughts welcome.
Thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2019, 05:55:44 pm by idc »


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EPOC on Wine on Exagear on SfOS?
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2019, 01:48:18 pm »
And continuing answering myself in case it is of use to others:
According to the manual Exagear requires Debian- or Ubuntu-based Linux OS to run on, which if I've understood correctly precludes Sailfish, as it is based on Redhat Linux (correct me if I've got that wrong) — I've not had much to do with non-Debian based Lines so a bit hazy as to the main differences beyond the fact that I can't apt-get stuff but have to pkcon.


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EPOC on Wine on Exagear on SfOS?
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2019, 08:32:54 am »
There is a reported bug with rootfs too small. So you are right, exagear will not fit. I hope some of next releases will fix this because this is going to be an issue.
Gemini 4G/SailfishX

In past: Zaurus SL-C3200, Jornada 728, 690, Mobilepro 900C, Sharp PC3100, HP 200LX....


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EPOC on Wine on Exagear on SfOS?
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2019, 02:13:36 pm »
rasva, thanks very much for your reply with that link. That's really helpful (because clearly the rootfs is far too small and that's a great guide to changing that). I've a feeling I may have trouble getting Exagear to run OK on Sailfish anyway, given that Sailfish appears not to be Debian– or Ubuntu-based and exagear seems to expect to install a .deb. But I'm very grateful for the help as it will be useful in any case!