How am I supposed to calibrate the compass?
Compass issues came up as an off-topic discussion on page two of this thread on Firmware I reported my findings in [a href=\'index.php?act=findpost&pid=294415\']
this[/a] and [a href=\'index.php?act=findpost&pid=294431\']
this[/a] post.
Since I haven't found a way to hold the Cosmo such that I can safely and conveniently do the "figure 8", I calibrate mine by rotating it two full turns along each axis.
A safe way is to put the Cosmo on a (non-magnetic) surface, grip it where the screen meets the keyboard on both sides and turn it upside down four times such that two full turns are completed. Then grasp it by the frame in front of space bar and the top middle above the screen, and turn it upside down two full turns that way. Finally, hold it by the keyboard and turn the Cosmo such that the keyboard is facing away from you, and repeat that motion for two full turns. All of this can be done in the air too, but be very careful, not to drop the Cosmo.
After calibrating, when I hold my Cosmo with the screen level (parallel to the ground) and turn the top of the device (the long edge of the screen facing away from the keyboard) towards north, the compass apps I've tried - for example "Compass Steel 3D" by "SimplyWerks" - finds north quite accurately, that is, the compass points to the north-facing top of the device.
But after that things starts getting weird. As I turn away from north, the compass doesn't keep pointing north, but, as detailed in the posts linked above, the further away from north I get, the bigger the error gets, and, at least on the apps I've tried, the compass seems to get progressively slower, until, when pointing south, it's really slow and points 180 degrees wrong. It seems to be repeatable, so it's not just a random error, but, it seems, something wrong with the compass hardware driver.
So, to summarize, I can calibrate the compass and find north, but that seems to be all that works with the current system software. Perhaps I should report this to Planet, unless it's been done already, but, lacking a real bug tracker, there's no way to really know, unless someone explicity says they have reported it, and, as far as I know, that hasn't happened yet, not at least here on OESF.