I updated the firmware of my Codi and it bricked.
I tried upgrading again a good 50 times. Sometimes it'd crash right away, sometimes it'd say "update complete", but then the cover would still display the "no communication" icon.
I tried all the things in the thread, setting my phone in airplane mode and such, clearing data and cache, doesn't do anything.
I tried downloading the firmware and using that, the app crashes as soon as I select the files. I tried loading the files from internal storage, and from SD Card. Contrary to the experience of a user above me, the app doesn't propose "flash" when I reopen it, only "upgrade" (which tries to download from the web). I tried selecting either of the two files.
Tried all of the above in Android rooted and Android non-rooted, no difference.
At a loss for options, I flashed my whole phone again, installed Android rooted and KDE again from scratch, after a format, and it changed nothing at all.
Oh yea, something new: trying to press "upgrade now" throws an immediate "Download Error". Seems like maybe the servers are down, or maybe my Cover Assistant decided it's not even worth trying to download, I don't know.
I'm at a loss for options and open to any suggestion, as long as I keep Rooted Android and Linux (that's why I use this phone, it's useless to me if it works only with non-rooted Android). I'm willing to test installing just normal Android for a spin and update the cover from there, but I feel it's not gonna be fruitful.