Thought I'd report here (as well as in the Sailfish forum). I dropped Davide another query about current timings for Sailfish. Here is his response:
Things slowed down quite a bit unfortunately, as we received much less community support for the Cosmo Communicator in the past weeks.
Because of this, there is no place to get in touch with the latest information at the moment, this will hopefully change in the future when/if more people will contribute.
We are working closely with one open source contributor to release the next Linux version. The last Debian/KDE version I tested had suspend/resume when the device is open/closed and Linux modem support, including calls and SMS.
There are a few bugs that needs to be fixed before the release, which should happen in the coming weeks.
The same developer is responsible for the porting Sailfish to the Cosmo, so there will be no progress on it until we complete Debian.
I've reinstalled Android on my Cosmo, just to get a bit of use out of it—but I'm still waiting for the release of Sailfish, and in the meantime my Gemini with Sailfish remains my main phone. (I will be interested to see the results of their Debian work.) I'm not personally in a position to contribute to either Debian or Sailfish development. (Busier than ever in lockdown, what with homeschooling and the day job.) But I wonder whether more people would be able and prepared to contribute if there was a more obvious way to keep track of what was being done and what help is needed.
Anyway, Davide's report that there is work going on that will hopefully reach us before too long is very welcome to me.