This is a minimal hassle (relatively speaking) way to run Android and Debian style Linux simultaneously on the Cosmo, with reasonably high performance.
Android apps will keep working the same as always, for example to make calls and use a mobile-optimized browser, but you can also use Linux desktop apps, installed normally using apt-get.
As a fan of Ubuntu and Debian I chose Devuan Linux because it doesn't depend on systemd. Other criticisms aside, it's a fact that systemd isn't particularly compatible with Android, which has its own nonstandard ways for handling some of the same features.
Some of the commands were shamelessly copied from
this article on Medium.
I'm probably going to stick with this setup even if an official Linux distribution appears, although a desktop environment designed for the Cosmo would work better. Hopefully that would also be Debian-based without relying too heavily on systemd, allowing porting it to my setup for simultaneous access to Android apps.
The first step is to root the device. There are workarounds like PRoot used in Termux, but rooting the Cosmo is easy and improves performance and flexibility.
Easiest way for me, mostly using a Mac, was to
unlock the bootloader, install Magisk Manager by opening
this link to the APK on the device, get
Ninji's rooted boot image and flash it (this file is for Planet-supplied firmware version 19 only):
fastboot flash boot boot_200118213137_magisk.img
Next you should get a Linux machine and partition an SD card in two primary partitions, first type c "W95 FAT32 (LBA)" and second type 83 (Linux). The purpose of the first partition is to use as additional storage for Android. You only have one SD card slot and it's good to give Android some extra space as well. I used a 500GB SD card, made the first partition 64GB and gave Linux the rest. Now create the filesystems using:
mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdx1
mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdx2
Replace sdx with the correct device name in the previous and next snippets...
Now you can fetch the Devuan version of debootstrap and use it to transfer a base system installer to the SD card:
mount /dev/sdx2 /mnt
git clone
cd debootstrap
sudo DEBOOTSTRAP_DIR=`pwd` ./debootstrap --verbose --arch arm64 --foreign ascii /mnt
The best processor architecture to choose for the Cosmo is arm64. It works and is the most modern one with precompiled binaries available. For example the older 32-bit armel also works, but there's no precompiled Chromium available for it at the moment.
The --foreign flag omits running some setup commands inside the new system. They won't work on most PCs because all the binaries are for ARM processors. We'll run the second stage later, on the Cosmo.
Ascii is the name of the latest Devuan distribution version at the time of this writing.
Now you can insert the SD card in the Cosmo. The next steps can be done from the command line on any computer that has adb installed, with the Cosmo connected over USB (or locally from the Termux shell):
adb shell
mkdir /data/mnt
mount /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 /data/mnt
echo 'deb ascii main contrib non-free' > /data/mnt/etc/apt/sources.list
for f in dev dev/pts proc sys; do mount -o bind /$f /data/mnt/$f; done
export TMPDIR=/tmp
export HOME=/root
export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/system/bin:$PATH
chroot /data/mnt /bin/bash
debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage
The new path is needed to find any commands inside the Devuan chroot, which has binaries in wildly different places. In the end it references the old path, so that the shell could find the next chroot command still in the Android directory tree.
It takes a while and in the end it should print:
I: Base system installed successfully.
I have no name!@localhost:/#
There's now a base system installed but it's pretty broken in some ways. Exit the Devuan environment back to Android shell to fix it from outside, then re-enter:
mkdir /data/mnt/dev/shm
mkdir /data/mnt/android
mount -o bind / /data/mnt/android
mount -o bind /data /data/mnt/android/data
echo nameserver `getprop net.dns1` > /data/mnt/etc/resolv.conf
ln -s /proc/mounts /data/mnt/etc/mtab
# You may need to re-run the earlier mount and for loop here if switching between adb shell and Termux.
chroot /data/mnt su -
The shm directory is required for example to avoid Chromium complaining it's out of memory. Mounting the android directory allows accessing the Android root filesystem from Linux. Fixing resolv.conf is necessary to get DNS lookups working during the setup. You may have to re-run the command when switching between mobile and wlan networks, or switch to using some public DNS server like Google's to keep it working longer term.
For some reason I cannot explain, all the mount commands seem to affect only Termux or adb but not both. So if you mount something in adb shell, it's not visible in Termux, and vice versa. Repeating the command in the other environment fixes this, so you may need to re-run the earlier for loop before the last chroot command.
The permissions are still wonky, the root user and apt-get have no Internet access. Let's fix them:
groupadd -g 3001 aid_net_bt_admin
groupadd -g 3002 aid_net_bt
groupadd -g 3003 aid_inet
groupadd -g 3004 aid_inet_raw
groupadd -g 3005 aid_inet_admin
gpasswd -a root aid_net_bt_admin
gpasswd -a root aid_net_bt
gpasswd -a root aid_inet
gpasswd -a root aid_inet_raw
gpasswd -a root aid_inet_admin
usermod -g 3003 _apt
Android has some extra layers of security based on groups, and adding the root user to those groups gives it additional privileges. Apt-get uses its own _apt user and moving it to the inet group is the easiest way to let it download packages. Now exit and re-enter the Devuan environment again to refresh the permissions and initialize apt-get:
chroot /data/mnt su -
apt-get update
You now have a reasonable command line Linux setup that can be entered from Termux by running su, the mount and export commands from the above snippets, followed by chroot /data/mnt su -
A graphical desktop environment would be a nice extra. The Play Store has a free and working SDL-based X server called
XServer XSDL. This way the native Android will handle graphical rendering. After installing and starting it, here's how to set up and start a minimal Xfce from inside the Devuan chroot:
apt-get install xfce4-panel xfdesktop4 xfwm4 xfce4-settings xfce4-session xfce4-terminal
You can get Chromium working like this:
apt-get install chromium
ln -s /var/lib/dbus/machine-id /etc/machine-id
/etc/init.d/dbus start
chromium --disable-gpu --no-sandbox
Remaining steps to figure out are setting up a user account and fixing X windows issues: keyboard layout and theme, especially widget and text sizes.