Author Topic: Wrong keyboard mapping on login?  (Read 3870 times)


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Wrong keyboard mapping on login?
« on: November 07, 2020, 05:19:05 pm »
i changed my keyboard mapping as described on the planet cosmo linux page to german.
Then i changed the password of the new user using some special charactes as '-' and '_'.

Login did not work :(. It seems, that the keyboard uses standard (english) keymapping :-\.
Any one else have the same experience?
Amongst many other Computers and Phones i'm using a Gemini PDA WIFI+G4 and a Cosmo Communicator both with German keyboard, all with SailfishOS and Debian ;-)


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Re: Wrong keyboard mapping on login?
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2020, 06:32:21 am »
Also fighting with keys on the German keyboard. Does anybody know where to find the minus sign after a fresh install? It could be on the O-key, but how can I reach the subscripted letters?
Cosmo Communicator (UbuntuTouch), OnePlus 3T (UbuntuTouch OTA 18)


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Re: Wrong keyboard mapping on login?
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2020, 12:13:55 pm »
Here's some of the keys I found handy before having activated German layout:

/  Shift+,
-  Fn+รถ
+  Fn+i
_  Fn+j
;  Fn+k
`  FN+2
"  FN+l

but once you managed to type
setxkbmap -model planetcosmo -layout de
you won't need them anymore  ;)


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Re: Wrong keyboard mapping on login?
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2020, 09:00:35 am »
Thanks for the list. I managed to write a script via SSH that sets the keyboard.

Afterwards, most keys work as expected. Some negative exceptions: The minus sign (-) should be a physical key, but it just prints ?; the - can be found as Fn-k.
Is thery anyone working on a correct keyboard? (I saw similar posts about the Italian keyboard.)
Cosmo Communicator (UbuntuTouch), OnePlus 3T (UbuntuTouch OTA 18)


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Re: Wrong keyboard mapping on login?
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2020, 06:41:41 pm »
I just found, that specifying the keyboard layout permanently via
in /etc/default/keyboard works fine for all users.


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Re: Wrong keyboard mapping on login?
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2020, 05:33:26 am »
What about the other 3 entries in /etc/default/keyboard ?


And which keyboard definition file is used then?
« Last Edit: December 17, 2020, 05:45:22 am by sven1999 »
Cosmo Communicator (UbuntuTouch), OnePlus 3T (UbuntuTouch OTA 18)


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Re: Wrong keyboard mapping on login?
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2020, 09:53:49 am »
I just left them as your post shows!


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Re: Wrong keyboard mapping on login?
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2024, 04:25:45 am »
is there any lists for the XKBLAYOUT? since you adopted the gb / de / us, however I've tried 'kr' but no luck.


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Re: Wrong keyboard mapping on login?
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2024, 01:20:25 am »
to all koreans or other unsupported keyboard users,
we have to fix the file /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/planet_vndr/cosmo file.

since Korean language (hangul) has issue about character separation, we may not add additional group like Japanese.

open the 'cosmo' file with kwrite or any editor, and just add this part anywhere

xkb_symbols "kr" {
    include "planet_vndr/cosmo(modifiers)"
    include "planet_vndr/cosmo(common_keys)"

    name[Group1]="Cosmo English (KR)";

    key <AE01>  { [         1,      exclam,   asciitilde,    F1 ] };
    key <AE02>  { [         2,          at,        grave,    F2 ] };
    key <AE03>  { [         3,  numbersign,    backslash,    F3 ] };
    key <AE04>  { [         4,      dollar,     EuroSign,    F4 ] };
    key <AE05>  { [         5,     percent,     division,    F5 ] };
    key <AE06>  { [         6, asciicircum,      greater,    F6 ] };
    key <AE07>  { [         7,   ampersand,    braceleft,    F7 ] };
    key <AE08>  { [         8,    asterisk,   braceright,    F8 ] };
    key <AE09>  { [         9,   parenleft,  bracketleft,    F9 ] };
    key <AE10>  { [         0,  parenright, bracketright,   F10 ] };

    key <AD01>  { [         q,          Q,XF86AudioPlay,  Greek_OMEGA ] };
    key <AD02>  { [         w,          W,XF86AudioPrev,      Lstroke ] };
    key <AD03>  { [         e,          E,XF86AudioNext,    trademark ] };
    key <AD04>  { [         r,          R,        Print,   registered ] };
    key <AD05>  { [         t,          T,XF86AudioMute,          yen ] };
    key <AD06>  { [         y,          Y,    leftarrow,   rightarrow ] };
    key <AD07>  { [         u,          U,    downarrow,      uparrow ] };
    key <AD08>  { [         i,          I,         plus,    plusminus ] };
    key <AD09>  { [         o,          O,        minus,     Ooblique ] };
    key <AD10>  { [         p,          P,        equal,        THORN ] };

    key <AC01>  { [         a,          A, XF86TaskPane,              AE ] };
    key <AC02>  { [         s,          S,       ssharp,         section ] };
    key <AC03>  { [         d,          D,  XF86TopMenu,             ETH ] };
    key <AC04>  { [         f,          F,      XF86UWB,     ordfeminine ] };
    key <AC05>  { [         g,          G,          bar,             ENG ] };
    key <AC06>  { [         h,          H,    backslash,  dead_diaeresis ] };
    key <AC07>  { [         j,          J,   underscore, dead_circumflex ] };
    key <AC08>  { [         k,          K,     question,          degree ] };
    key <AC09>  { [         l,          L,    semicolon,      dead_caron ] };
    key <AC11>  { [apostrophe, asciitilde,        colon,      dead_acute ] };

    key <AB01>  { [         z,          Z,        guillemotleft,        dead_belowdot ] };
    key <AB02>  { [         x,          X,       guillemotright,        dead_abovedot ] };
    key <AB03>  { [         c,          C, XF86AudioLowerVolume,            copyright ] };
    key <AB04>  { [         v,          V, XF86AudioRaiseVolume,  leftsinglequotemark ] };
    key <AB05>  { [         b,          B,XF86MonBrightnessDown,XF86KbdBrightnessDown ] };
    key <AB06>  { [         n,          N,  XF86MonBrightnessUp,  XF86KbdBrightnessUp ] };
    key <AB07>  { [         m,          M,                slash,           dead_grave ] };
    key <AB09>  { [    period,    greater,                U263A,           dead_tilde ] };

    key <AB08>  { [     comma,      less, XF86Option,   multiply ] };

    //key <LALT>  { symbols[Group1] = [ Alt_L, Alt_L, ISO_Last_Group,   ISO_Last_Group ] };
    //key <LALT>  { symbols[Group1] = [ Alt_L, Alt_L, ISO_Last_Group,   ISO_Last_Group ] };

and, type it in "setxkbmap -model planetcosmo -layout kr" in Konsole (terminal), and we're good to use special characters in korean printed layout.
we better use fcitx-hangul or uim (not ibus: QT version issue, enter key and backspace key will show error) for preventing split characters.