Thanks again for your advice. I doublecked it is qwertz DE setting, but te KB can not be convinced to behave accordinglz ...sigh
I realy don' t know. But because the Y and the Z keys are swapped , you can try selecting QWERTY and see what will happen.
You can also contact another people in indiegogo with german quertz keyboard and ask them if they have the same problem. ( I paste the post of 4 people here at the end )
Or you can do in last case a full reset.
Good Luck!
From Indiegogo
Mith 4 days ago
@Tom Sch: Here in Germany I got an e-mail from Idiegogo “Indiegogo shipment for Astro Slide 5G Transformer is on its way!” with UPS tracking number. Three days later the Astro arrived. I had to pay additional EUR 33,28. Make sure to have the money money in the form of cash ready, UPS delivery people (at least here on the village) do not accept EC or credit cards.
Dirk Hüwe 8 days ago
Hi! Just received my phone. Contribution ID: 157x, contribution date: March 2020. German keyboard layout. Working fine so far. Android 11, security path Nov 1st 2021. Shipping via UPS was a catastrophe … I get used to that with UPS.
Wolfgang von Jan 11 days ago
@Christian Gaida and others. My Astro (German) has a much better built than the cosmo that has a much better keyboard than my Gemini. Also the space bar works much better than both other ones together. Only the lightning of the keyboard is not so uniformly on the upper outer sides but that is criticism on a very high level.
Christian Gaida 11 days ago
@Marcel I can confirm that. The keyboard is just not good, not even close. The space bar barely has a pressure point and the return key has none at all. The rest of the keys almost all have a different pressure point. I can’t imagine that the two previous models also had such a bad keyboard. My device has a German keyboard by the way. On the right side, this little plastic strip to the right of the keys is also loose. So the build quality is not outstanding either. All in all not very impressive