I've had the CC for ½ a years now and ever month I take it out to attempt to root it or at the very least update it. I got it to have as a Linux phone but if I can't even get Android root there no hope for any nix install. There's loads of tools/information on the Gemini, I'm hoping maybe they might work with the CC? I know when it comes to my other Androids I had to have the exact build for that exact model but unless there's a workaround or a special way to dd it, no matter how I copy/extract/adb push the Cosmo-customos-installer with multiple microSD cards I always get
supported API : 3
E:/bin/sh failed with status 126
can't find custom installers in SD card error 127!
if anyone has a way to somehow get around this, could care less if it's destructive or brickable the thing is pretty much worthless running Android 9...nothing can be updated majority of the apps I use can't be installed... problem after problem after problem