I\'m sure the games will copy over no problem. I might try it later, I could make some notes when I do.
And I did...
It\'s easy, you just copy all the application files over.
from /usr/QtPalmtop.rom/bin, copy:
go mindbreaker minesweep patience qasteroids snake wordgame
from /usr/QtPalmtop.rom/help, copy all of the above, with an .html extension
from /usr/QtPalmtop.rom/pics, copy everything in the snake/ directory, and recursively copy everything in the qasteroids/ directory. (there are a bunch of subdirectories, get them all)
from /home/QtPalmtop/apps/Games, copy everything.
When you install the files onto the 6000, put them in same place as you copied them from, except replace /usr/QtPalmtop.rom with /home/QtPalmtop.
Then restart the Zaurus and all the icons should appear.
That\'s it, they all seem to work.
Someone should package all this up into an .ipk for convenience.