I was under the impression that most of the RIAA suits have been \'settled\' out of court for the 2-5k ballpark. CNet claimed in December: \"The campaign to date has yielded 382 lawsuits and 220 settlements averaging close to $3,000 apiece.\"
The notable throw-outs make the news: the Mac guy, the 12 year old girl, the 80 year old grandpa, but most people suck up their losses and throw some cash at it to avoid astronomical legal costs. That\'s been their strategy all along anyway. They have no desire for this to come to court. All they have are made up numbers about how eleventy-billion dollars are lost to music pirates every day even through sales numbers are actually down LESS than distribution numbers. The press will spew these numbers like the venom they are but should they actually have to back up their words with, you know, facts they\'d be in a pretty rough spot.