Author Topic: Does the C860 have SDIO?  (Read 91268 times)


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Does the C860 have SDIO?
« Reply #105 on: August 25, 2005, 04:54:37 pm »
Has anyone seen this?

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It sounds like the first right step into an SDIO driver base?
Is there any good books concerning hardware writing for zaurus?
Poodle Zaurus 5600
Qtopia 2.1.2
Linux kernel V2.4.18-rmk7-pxe-embedix-3.5.3


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Does the C860 have SDIO?
« Reply #106 on: September 21, 2005, 10:46:09 pm »
seems like they (embwise) have added SDIO sttack with wifi support.

So sd wifi cards will be supported now for the zaurus.
New no more-C1000 / 5000D (sold my 6000 and 750) | Cacko ROM 1.23 on C1000 | 256 MB CF | 2GB PNY SD card | Socket Networker WiFi CF Card | USB Host cable from StreamlineCPUS | Mini Microphone (for voice recording) |

*Dark Dragon*

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Does the C860 have SDIO?
« Reply #107 on: September 26, 2005, 11:07:44 am »
Here is current situation with SDIO support.

I talk with owner of Zaurus SL-C860, and he said:

I do have older Zaurus SL-C860. The WiFi SD card from works only with C860 and C760 original japanese
roms, not with SL-C3100. The problem is that they never updated their

Also, I did wrote to EmbWise about their SDIOWorx technology, and they said:

We have a working SDIO-WiFi drivers on the platforms that we support our SDIOWorx with.We have ported our SDIOWorx onto ONLY Zaurus SL-C3000 and not all of Zaurus PDAs.However we would think that the stack and the driver would work on Zaurus SL-C1000 as well as SL-C3100,since they have the same hardware architecture.But we don't want to commit till we decide to and test the software on these other models.

The WiFi driver is being tested now on SL-C3000.

I suppose that C-Guys will not support new Zaurus' in the future, but coming soon SDIOWorx will hopefully solve problem with SDIO for all Linux-based PDAs which can support it, including new Zaurus SL-C3100.


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Does the C860 have SDIO?
« Reply #108 on: September 26, 2005, 12:05:09 pm »
Did you ask about their position on licensing? It'd be cool, if that driver wouldn't be limited to 2.4.20-embedix.

Michael 'Mickey' Lauer | Embedded Linux Freelancer |
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Does the C860 have SDIO?
« Reply #109 on: September 29, 2005, 12:13:31 am »
It'd be cool, if that driver wouldn't be limited to 2.4.20-embedix.
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SDIOWorx will be very useless if it will not support custom kernels. Fortunatelly, according to their specifications, SDIOWorx will work with all 2.4 and 2.6 kernels. That means that SDIOWorx will work with any modern kernel.


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Does the C860 have SDIO?
« Reply #110 on: September 29, 2005, 07:57:26 am »
Pretty cool, that means GPL then or does it?

Michael 'Mickey' Lauer | Embedded Linux Freelancer |
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Does the C860 have SDIO?
« Reply #111 on: October 02, 2005, 12:43:51 am »
Pretty cool, that means GPL then or does it?
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Don't know, but SDIOWorx must be an open-source project in order to support 2.4 and
 2.6 kernels. As far as I understand, main idea of SDIOWorx project is that
SDIOWorx itself is open-source, and it allows throw its API make use of binary
drivers for SDIO. Accordingly to their documentation, SDIO-Blutooth and
SD-UART "client" drivers will be open-source, and SDIO-WiFi will be
closed-source (because SDIOWorx allows using of such driver on all kernels, this
isn't big disadvantage). This is everything I know, so if you have additional
questions, ask them personally by e-mail: <>.


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Does the C860 have SDIO?
« Reply #112 on: October 03, 2005, 11:17:09 am »
Don't know, but SDIOWorx must be an open-source project in order to support 2.4 and
 2.6 kernels. As far as I understand, main idea of SDIOWorx project is that

I disagree, it is perfectly possible to have a non-GPL driver in the linux kernel - witness vmware, qemu's accelerator etc.

However, I really hope that sdioworx release the module, even if binary only, for zaurus users. maybe too they wll have a fix for 2GB and larger memory cards?
Gemini 4G/Wi-Fi owner, formerly zaurus C3100 and 860 owner; also owner of an HTC Doubleshot, a Zaurus-like phone.

*Dark Dragon*

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Does the C860 have SDIO?
« Reply #113 on: October 07, 2005, 01:17:56 pm »
Don't know, but SDIOWorx must be an open-source project in order to support 2.4 and
 2.6 kernels. As far as I understand, main idea of SDIOWorx project is that

I disagree, it is perfectly possible to have a non-GPL driver in the linux kernel - witness vmware, qemu's accelerator etc.
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Of course, you are right, but this may lead to some problems some times - "less freedom, more problems". Fortunatelly, there isn't reason to make SDIOWorx closed-source project. As far as I understand (from their documentation) only SDIO-WiFi client driver will be closed-source. I hope that SDIOWorx will successfully implement to Linux devices SDIO technology. Now, we must simply wait... Within next few months we will hopefully get SDIO support under Linux.


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Does the C860 have SDIO?
« Reply #114 on: February 10, 2006, 04:08:13 pm »
Anybody heard anything new on this?  Is anyone supporting the newer clamshell models?  After reading the entire thread all the way through, it looks like SDIO on Zaurii is flaky at best unless there have been any new developments.

« Last Edit: February 10, 2006, 04:14:55 pm by vorondil28 »


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Does the C860 have SDIO?
« Reply #115 on: May 09, 2006, 11:11:40 am »
I can confirm my c1000 has working SDIO which supports 4 bit mode and DMA/irqs

I have it working here (at work) with a WiFi card. Even a debug driver is achieving 4.5Mbps, and it should go faster than that.

Now the bad news:

I am not using Sharps sd module, but our own driver. SDIO drivers will not be open source - you have to pay royalties and licenses, and may not distribute the protocol.

So if some 3rd party (comercial) were to make Zaurus WiFi SDIO cards, and ship pre-build modules, this would be entirely possible, at least on a c1000.



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Does the C860 have SDIO?
« Reply #116 on: May 09, 2006, 05:13:55 pm »
I can confirm my c1000 has working SDIO which supports 4 bit mode and DMA/irqs

I have it working here (at work) with a WiFi card. Even a debug driver is achieving 4.5Mbps, and it should go faster than that.

Now the bad news:

I am not using Sharps sd module, but our own driver. SDIO drivers will not be open source - you have to pay royalties and licenses, and may not distribute the protocol.

So if some 3rd party (comercial) were to make Zaurus WiFi SDIO cards, and ship pre-build modules, this would be entirely possible, at least on a c1000.

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I assume you are familiar with the C-Guys SD WiFi card discussed above in this thread? There has been progress adapting the C-Guys driver for that card at least to support memory cards above 1 GB recently, as explained in several threads.

Maslovsky, the man responsible for the Cacko improvements to the Sharp ROM, has my C-Guys card now. To the extent that there are software pieces missing between what C-Guys created and what you have, he might be in a good position to judge whether the gaps can be closed.

Anton, what do you think? tjchick, what specifically can you offer beyond what is available from C-Guys? Are there parts of your driver not within the SD license that could be released open source? Would that be useful absent the proprietary portions? Could parts of your work be adapted to the C-Guys driver, which is readily available?


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Does the C860 have SDIO?
« Reply #117 on: May 09, 2006, 05:16:00 pm »
Sorry for the multiple posts. With the site down, they didn't seem to be going through from my vantage point.


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Does the C860 have SDIO?
« Reply #118 on: May 09, 2006, 05:35:39 pm »

I'm afraid I don't bring any open source software or information, I just wanted to answer the
question as to the level of support of SDIO on a cl1000 (hardware wise), which is very complete.

I also wanted to clarify the license situation, which means that an open source driver is not possible without reverse engineering, and I believe even that is not permitted in some countries?

Anyone selling/giving away SDIO software or hardware must pay royalties, and they are bound not to divulge details of the specs.

So c-guys already ship a driver for zaurus with a wlan card? Sounds good. Does it sit on top of sharps own sd module ( I am using Cacko, and I believe Cacko uses the Sharp kernel module)?

How is it used to access memory cards? Or is it a replacement for Sharps SD module?



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Does the C860 have SDIO?
« Reply #119 on: May 10, 2006, 04:31:12 am »
I can confirm my c1000 has working SDIO which supports 4 bit mode and DMA/irqs

I have it working here (at work) with a WiFi card. Even a debug driver is achieving 4.5Mbps, and it should go faster than that.

Now the bad news:

I am not using Sharps sd module, but our own driver. SDIO drivers will not be open source - you have to pay royalties and licenses, and may not distribute the protocol.

So if some 3rd party (comercial) were to make Zaurus WiFi SDIO cards, and ship pre-build modules, this would be entirely possible, at least on a c1000.

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That's very interesting and useful to know. Are you able to say who you work for - I am wondering if you work for embwise?

So, would it be possible to buy the driver off your company as a binary module in order to satisfy the license fees? I would cheerfully pay US$10 for a driver for my Zaurus in order to be able to use SDIO devices (I presume your driver would allow me to use most sdio devices such as wifi, gps etc?)

thanks for taking the time to enlighten us!
Gemini 4G/Wi-Fi owner, formerly zaurus C3100 and 860 owner; also owner of an HTC Doubleshot, a Zaurus-like phone.