Author Topic: Sharp 3.13 rom v/s others  (Read 3835 times)


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Sharp 3.13 rom v/s others
« on: September 26, 2004, 10:00:04 am »
I keep reading about all the problems people have using alternative roms. This doesn't work, that doesn't work.

I have an SL-5500 with standard sharp rom 3.13.
I am able to install many (but not all) programs to SD card, I have opera 7.30 working perfectly with wi-fi, and also over my cell phone.

Everything I have installed works flawlessly, and it never fails me.

Who could ask for anything more?
« Last Edit: September 26, 2004, 01:14:00 pm by dougeeebear »
Zaurus SL-C1000 and SL-5500
NetWalker PC-T1 (tablet)


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Sharp 3.13 rom v/s others
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2004, 12:32:18 pm »
I play with alternative ROMs for various reasons. But it boils down to this: I bought my zaurus because it was a Linux handheld and meant that I could change any detail I wanted to suit my tastes.  I am currently working on my own custom ROM and have put that effort on hold to see what  develops from the Open Embedded effort. The biggest reason I am leaving the Sharp ROM behind is that Sharp no longer offers support in the U.S. And I am looking to see more develop for the Z.
SL 5500 Cacko 3.10 ROM 64-0, Symbol Wifi
storage on 256MB Lexar High Speed SD card
64MB/32MB CF cards for removable storage.
Doing my part to keep the 5500 platform alive


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Sharp 3.13 rom v/s others
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2004, 07:29:27 pm »
You have a valid point with wondering why to change.  I actually take your argument a tad further.  I'm using the original version of Cacko/Crow based on the 1.2 series sharp rom for the same reasons.  EVERYTHING works and works well. Yes, there are the root security issues, but I'm a careful user and have never fragged my OS yet.  I never have to worry about whether it will synchronize with my pc REGARDLESS of my OS, nor do I ever have to worry about new programs being compatible. Since I have an sl-5500 I don't even have to worry about performance- to the contrary many sl-5500 users have problems with qoverclock in v1.3x and taking that into consideration means I can run prboom etc., even FASTER in my old venerable version!

Now-   having said all that....

I also have a SECOND sl-5500 that gets flashed almost weekly.  I tinker an embarrassing amount if the truth be told.  And the blatent truth is I actually enjoy TINKERING with new flashes and programs more than I do using my primary Z workhorse mentioned above! =)

It's the mark of a Linux/alternative OS's almost a sickness at times, but it beats other habits like alcoholism, drug abuse, etc. all to pieces now doesn't it?

The glorious thing about the Zaurus that other companies just don't get is that its all about FREEDOM to choose.  To choose your OS, to choose your programs, to choose to work in dev, or testing, or just to show our accomplishments to our workmates and watch em drool at what we can do with our Z.   (Often putting their brand new 800 buck win based pda to shame with a two year old pda!)

So enjoy the fact that you don't need to reflash to have all the power you need at your beck and call!  But if you ever get that itch to try something new just because you can.... remember its just your fingertips away.

Happy Z'ing!

[span style=\'font-size:8pt;line-height:100%\']SL-6000L & C3100.[/span]


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Sharp 3.13 rom v/s others
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2004, 08:13:10 am »
Anybody got a link to 3.13 that works? I googled for it, and all the links I've found are broken.
Is it much improved over 3.10?


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Sharp 3.13 rom v/s others
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2004, 09:10:24 am »
Here's a link to sharp rom 3.13 for sl-5500.

I don't know how much improvement there is over 3.10. I think any changes are more internal than cosmetic.
There are a few replacement applications that come with it.
It is very stable.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2004, 09:55:03 am by dougeeebear »
Zaurus SL-C1000 and SL-5500
NetWalker PC-T1 (tablet)


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Sharp 3.13 rom v/s others
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2004, 10:45:36 pm »
I have the SL5500 running the Sharp 3.10 ROM.  It is customized to my exact needs.  The Z has become indispensible in my daily life.  Since it is required to run perfectly every time, I don't risk it by flashing or playing with it anymore.  I really want a second Z to play with (ie trying out various ROMs, beta or even alpha software, different PIMs, etc).  I just can't risk it.  Hopefully around Christmas, I can afford a second Z, but until then. . .

I like the rock solid platform offered by the Z.  I also have a iPaq 2215 that I got to use at work, but it is not as capable as the Z.  Hence the Z being my work PDA and the iPaq being an expensive (and less capable) toy.  I keep praying that the open embedded or familiar projects will finally get the 2215 working.  Until then (or until I get another Z), I will stick with the working model I have now.  The best feature of the Z line is the flexibility of the OS.  I have plans for a custom ROM and have partially completed it, but will not be installing it (or even finishing it) until I have a second Z to expiroment with.

Good luck with your Z adventures.  It is the best PDA out of the box of any line out there. I am still lusting after an 860, but the wife and kids seem to believe that unimportant stuff like food, shelter, and clothes should take precedence  .  Oh well.
SL5500 w/Sharp ROM 3.10
Netgear MA701 WiFi
Sharp  CE-AG06 Camera Card
Various memory cards
Various homemade power/battery packs
HP 2215 iPAQ


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Sharp 3.13 rom v/s others
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2004, 03:51:59 pm »
Will that ROM for the 5500 work on the 5000D as well? If not, where can I find the stock ROM for the 5000D?


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Sharp 3.13 rom v/s others
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2004, 04:50:29 pm »
So now I find out that the daylight savings time feature also works on my 5500. It switched automatically at 2:00 this morning.

Another feature of the sharp rom 3.13.

I love it !!!!!!
Zaurus SL-C1000 and SL-5500
NetWalker PC-T1 (tablet)