Very cool. What window manager is that? How about the file manager?
The desktop manager and the file manager is ROX.
The window manager is XFCE
The icons on the bottom center of the desktop are manually arranged to emulate the feeling of OS X
ROX lets you to define a custom icon to a particular file or directory or to a mime type, what is cool
XFCE gives you the option to change which window buttons are displayed and their position
The icons are taken from GnoMetal, an iconset for gnome2 i found at themes.freshmeat
The xmms skin is xTunes, also found at freshmeat, i guess
Either way, I don't know whether to think it's cool looking or to feel dirty that it looks so much like a mac and so little like *nix 
OSX is *nix don't you like osx?
Regardless, nice job