Author Topic: Need New Sd Socket  (Read 2847 times)


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Need New Sd Socket
« on: November 22, 2004, 09:43:26 am »
anyone know where to get a new socket for my sd card or at least the part number?  It got a bit messed up for no apparent reason when I was putting my sd card in.

I've taken my Z apart and got it so it will work, but some of the contacts inside the sd socket are a bit bent and I'd like to replace it.  (bought it in Japan more than a year ago, so I don't have a warrenty.)

Its only the sd socket i want to replace which is just a small piece of metal with a spring for ejecting and a few gold contacts and sensors.  It looks like it only has about a dozen solder points so it shouldn't be too hard to do.

My only other option is to just leave my sd card inside and transfer files over the usb link.

Its a little disturbing because I didn't do anything unusual to break it.  I was just putting the sd card in and it seemed to bump into something.  I took the card out and saw a gold contact in an obviously wrong position.


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Need New Sd Socket
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2004, 10:33:15 am »
Check out Mouser Electronics they have a lot of supplies for everything from through hole to surface mount components.
SL 5500 Cacko 3.10 ROM 64-0, Symbol Wifi
storage on 256MB Lexar High Speed SD card
64MB/32MB CF cards for removable storage.
Doing my part to keep the 5500 platform alive