Dear Newbix ,
You How To for installing debian the Zaurus 3000 has been very helpful.
Below are some notes, I have made where I deviated from your instructions.
Which may help other users.
I have managed to get to the stage where Fbvnc launches successfully.
This gives me Xterm open, but I do not think I have IceWM running, I do
not have the IcWM panel, as per your pretty screen shot:- am very poor with Window Manager generally, so this will be a good
learning exercise. I wonder if you could give me any tips on launching
Once again thank-you for the detailed HowTo.
Brendan M. Sleight****
I followed Gaëtan instructions with a few minor tweaks.
First once I was root, I did a :-
df -h
To confirm which partition is the biggest spare...
In my case this was hda3 not hdc3. I believe looking at the rc.rofilesys,
this hints at the fact that it could be hda hdb or hdc:-
mount -t $LINUXFMT -o noatime /dev/${IDE1}3 /hdd
Hence refernces to hdc3 were replaced with hda3
When doing the command 'mount -o remount,rw /dev/root' I get an error that
/dev/root is not listed in fstab. I therefore copy the line from mtab to
fstab. (I used an editor but here it is in one line)
cat /etc/mtab | grep /dev/root >> /etc/fstab
To copy the debian-tar ball onto the zaurus I used :-
wget then had to make gnu-tar execuatable.
chmod ugo+x ./gnu-tar
./gnu-tar xvzf zaurus-debian-big-*.tg
Should read ./gnu-tar xvzf zaurus-debian-big-*.tgz
I was unable to launch the fbvnc inside the tar ball - screen calibration
error. Had to use the one suggested to figure out how to get the IceWM panel. I got a feeling it
something stupid I am missing.