Author Topic: Script For Generating Scritps And Icons For Snes9x  (Read 1071 times)


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Script For Generating Scritps And Icons For Snes9x
« on: December 29, 2004, 07:30:04 pm »
I wrote a script to generate the scripts and icons needed to run SNES ROMs from the GUI, so I figured I'd upload it to my web server.  I don't know much about bash scripting (I've done lots of C++, but only a few fairly basic scripts), so it's a bit of a kluge.  Seems  to do the job, though.

You'll need a separate tab for the icons since it deletes the contents of the directory before it creates the icons.  If you've already added a custom tab, you'll have to edit the script to use the right directory (Qtopia seems to use UserTab# regardless of what you named the tab.  The script uses UserTab1 by default).

For arguments it takes the directory with the ROMs you want to make icons for and an optional '-ns' that disables sound in the scripts it generates.  The '-ns' has to be the first argument if it's there and the directory can only be the first or second argument.  It doesn't check to see if the files are actually SNES ROMs, so it'll make icons for every file and directory (but not recursively) inside the directory you pass it. [-ns] romDir

Here's the link.  Let me know if I screwed something up.
Open source RTS.  It's still in the very early stages, so testers are quite welcome.