It's been a little while since 1.22 was out, and I was kind of hoping that 1.23 would be coming along soon?
Don't know, it was probably cheeky of me to use 1.23 as the designation for the 3K ROM derivative.
I did wonder how official that was :-), but, you are using updated packages
we are going to create a set of tools to keep the 3k/1k ROM in sync to start off with.
I would hope that cacko for 860, 1000 and 3000 will be kept in step. I hope you don't forget those of us with "legacy" devices :-)
I'm just waiting for the C5000 with a 20GB disk, wireless lan, and 256MB of ram!
It'd also be handy if it pre-populated the /usr/lib/ipkg/status file with what was built in, so that it's easier to manage your packages.
That may cause more problems than it's worth and be awkward. The status file would seem to indicate to the Package Manager that it was legitimate to overwrite the packages, which it obviously wouldn't be.
Sounds like you need a Cacko Lite - extra low fat version so you can manage pretty much all your packages via Package Manager.
Well, you can overwrite them, surely, as they're links in flash to the ROM. Provided the links are rm'd, you can install a newer package.
I did try cacko-lite, but then bluetooth became very unreliable, and I discovered today that kismet also stopped working, so I have gone back to c-full just to prove I've not b0rked my desktop linux box.