Doesn't Cacko have a special driver for SD cards (up to 2GB IIRC) ? Have you remembered to remove it ?
i cant remove it i think, and i solved the problem installing tetsu kernel and modules before applying the SDHC ipk.
It does work with Cacko 1.23 provided you have the original SD card driver and not the 4GB SD update.
However, the change to supporting SDHC has had some side effects for me:
It has made the Z much more sensitive to SD card timings - so some cheap SD cards give timeouts (type "dmesg" in Konsole to see the messages)
It seems to expect the SD card to be partitioned since it tries to automount /dev/mmcda1 rather than /dev/mmcda
MMC card support seems to have gone - can't get any of mine to mount
i really havent used an mmc on my c3000 yet and dont believe its going to happen, then it doesnt bother me.
the timeout messages are prompted with the original driver too, at least in cacko 1.23b1 on my c3000.
Thanks both for your responses!!!!
happy to see there are some Z´s users active on this forums.