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Messages - propofol

Pages: [1] 2 3
Linux Applications / Portabase On Kickstarter
« on: September 14, 2012, 02:29:13 am »
This is an opensource database very equavalent to HanDBase. Since it is opensource it can be compiled to run on +/- any linux distribution. I have used Portabase initially on my Zaurus and then on my Netwalker. I found it very handy to have a database on a mobile device as well as my desktop PCs (home & work). Particularly if the database files are stored in a Dropbox folder for instant synchronization.


PS I am in not associated with the project in any way, I just found this a very useful program.

Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Jaunty Repository Gone?
« on: June 17, 2012, 01:25:06 pm »
Quote from: RX Shorty
Well the efika device runs ubuntu 10.10...
Still didnt try any other kernels or software on the netwalker.

I want a updated and stripped OS, as Ubuntu is slow...

So do I. I am still using my netwalker daily however an updated kernel & repositories would be nice.


Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Replacement Ac Adapter / Power Supply
« on: October 13, 2010, 07:08:06 pm »
Thanks for the info. I am currently using this and it seems to work well for my Netwalker. The official 11V replacement chargers seems to be more than $100.


Quote from: koan
I would have thought something like this: would be suitable. Just make sure that you attach the connector in the right orientation and set the voltage.

Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Vote For Dropbox Support On Arm
« on: July 08, 2010, 02:49:32 am »
I use Dropbox since it simplifies syncing files across the various real & real Windows & Linux computers I have between home & work. They have free storage of 2Gb. Unfortunately they do not have an arm binary yet. Apparently it may be in the works. If any of you use Dropbox, please add a vote on their forums.
Dropbox proprietary arm binary

I anyone is interested, I am using rsync to upload files from my Netwalker to my "always on" server at home over ssh:
Code: [Select]
rsync -ave 'ssh' ~/files/ works but it is not ideal & I need to have a server always running to make it useful.


Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Iqnotes
« on: July 08, 2010, 02:37:28 am »
Quote from: ptoki
"cancel" & "ok" are buttons which user is supposed to click when there is no iqnotes file and user just created one and is trying to save it.
They do not work. But blind enter saves file and from now on user can save iths work by simply "save" from menu.

Source code would be nice but I do not have anu compile environment.
What is needed to compile it besides gcc?

You need to add the qt3 development packages:

Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Iqnotes
« on: July 04, 2010, 03:28:06 am »
Quote from: ptoki
OK, settlet the matters.
Saving is possible but buttons "cancel" and "OK" are not binded to any action so it is needed to enter name of iqnotes and press enter.

Two more things:
in your archive it is needed to move images from /usr/share/iqnotes/ to /usr/share/iqnotes/items
And you compiled path for note icons as /opt/QtPalmtop/pics/and_so_on.
It is better to change it to /usr/share/iqnotes/pics and create such dir in archive.

I can prepare two nice sets of images to put there so iqnotes can shine as perfect jewel

I am not sure what you mean by "cancel" & "ok" - is this at the startup screen?

On the version I compiled I thought I had set the destination for images to /usr/share/iqnotes/, but yes, the additional pics is under  /opt/QtPalmtop/pics/.
If you are interested, I can email you the source code - I needed to make very minor changes for it to compile under a current version of Debian / Ubuntu or on the Netwalker.


Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Netwalker's Kernel
« on: June 18, 2010, 12:23:59 pm »
Quote from: Sleep_Walker

Quote from: propofol
How do you set up the cross compile for the netwalker? I found one or two Japanese websites however even with Google translate I could not quite sort it out.

I'm not completely sure what you mean, but installation of cross compiler is distro dependand. In my openSUSE I have it as package in openSUSE Buildservice. In Gentoo I build it with crossdev tool...

Or you may be asking about cross compilation of kernel. I invoke make with this call:
make INSTALL_MOD_PATH="/Devel/netwalker/modules" CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm

If it is not, what you meant, please, ask again.

Thanks for the reply. This is what I had in mind. Unfortunately I have various flavors of Debian installed so my setup would be different.


PS Sorry about the multiple previous postings - I have removed it.

Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Iqnotes
« on: June 18, 2010, 12:17:27 pm »
Quote from: ptoki

Tested on netwalker. Cant save files.
Tried to enter just name and path with name, no success.
No note pictures tried to download some from creators page but there are none. Looking for other source of pictures.

I think IqNotes expects a default directory for saving files. Create a directory called ~/.iqnotes/ and see if it works.

I do not think the pictures are GPL'ed. The author originally made this available commercially. You could always email him and see if he would be willing to make it available.


Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Portabase
« on: June 18, 2010, 02:51:55 am »
Quote from: Sleep_Walker
IQNotes? Isn't it Qt2 based?

It is, however the author made the source code available which compiles under KDE. I have it running on my 64bit Lenny system.

Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Iqnotes
« on: June 18, 2010, 02:48:09 am »
Oops, added in original post.

Quote from: ptoki
I think you forgot to send the attachment

Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Iqnotes
« on: June 16, 2010, 02:10:37 am »
I thought I would upload the binary & resources - one day I will try my hand at making a real debian package however I have a few to many other things taking up my time. This needs to be uncompressed in root:
Code: [Select]
cd /
sudo tar xzvf iqnotes-2.0.4-armel.tar.gz

ebfc036d8af9e2afc5e7120e17b3fcf5  iqnotes-2.0.4-armel.tar.gz


(Original source: IqNotes)

Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Netwalker's Kernel
« on: June 16, 2010, 01:07:37 am »
Quote from: Sleep_Walker
Quote from: propofol
Hi Netwalker,
hehe, Sleep_Walker is nick, Netwalker is device

Quote from: propofol
Thanks for the info on getting the cursor back. I also found this very annoying. It seems somewhat  painful compiling the kernel from scratch on the Netwalker. Do you use a cross compile environment or virtual machine or did you just do it on the Netwalker?

Well, I'm mostly compiling on Netwalker since it is comfortable and I can do it everywhere (doctor, shopping, etc  and I'm not making big differences so it takes seconds. I have also cross compilation environment on my notebook so I can use it too.

Hi Sleep_Walker,

Oops, sorry that will teach me to do post late at night!

How do you set up the cross compile for the netwalker? I found one or two Japanese websites however even with Google translate I could not quite sort it out.


Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Netwalker's Kernel
« on: June 15, 2010, 01:04:50 am »
Hi Netwalker,

Thanks for the info on getting the cursor back. I also found this very annoying. It seems somewhat  painful compiling the kernel from scratch on the Netwalker. Do you use a cross compile environment or virtual machine or did you just do it on the Netwalker?


Quote from: Sleep_Walker
I posted "patches" here.

Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Portabase
« on: June 06, 2010, 11:36:43 pm »
I needed a replacement for the closed source tkcCard database. The best replacement so far seems to be Portabase. I have recompiled it for the Netwalker. If anyone is interested, I have added the debian archive. I do not know much about creating archives but this should not do to much damage. I used the original archive and substituted the armel binaries.  The other program that I have used on my Zaurus was IqNotes which I have compiled from the desktop source code. If anyone is interested, I can upload it to the forum.


Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Working Netbook Remix On Netwalker
« on: May 30, 2010, 07:50:40 pm »
By temporarily adding lucid to the sources.list, the installer adds netbook-remix-efl from Lucid with its dependencies. It is not ideal mixing different editions but the netbook-remix interface is much more usable with the small screen size.

Quote from: RX Shorty
Nice work, which version of remix is this?


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