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Topics - arniel

Pages: [1]
Just picked up an Argosy HD530P external pcmcia drive which I was going to use with Z and CF-> PCMCIA adapter.  The card is 16 bit and has been tested on an ancient Win98 laptop that only has 16 bit PCMCIA sockets (IBM TP 560e).
When iserted into my SL5500, OZ3.2, I get the aforementioned message pop up - this is using cardctl 3.2.3(?)
Reflashed to latest Hentges ROM (very nice work, a huge improvement), which appears to have latest pcmcia_cs build, same problem.
As I understand it, the CIS is not being read correctly.
Now, I've been programming commercially for almost a decade, so I'm quite prepared to get my hands dirty in providing as much information  as I can to solve this problem (and hopefully contribute to development efforts), but I'm a Linux/Z newbie so I'll need some pointers in how to e.g. do a dump of the card data.
Can anyone let me know what existing tools there are to do this on the Z, or provide me with some cross-compiled tools?
The next step is to install a Linux distro on the TP560 to rule out the possibility that the problem is a general one with pcmcia_cs rather than the Z specifically.



Accessories / Cf To Ide Adapter
« on: December 10, 2004, 07:32:59 am »
of course, there are loads of adapters for connecting CF cards to IDE interfaces, but nothing to connext IDE drives to CF slots.
We've got CF-> PCMCIA adapters, and PCMCIA->IDE adapters...  now that this product exists, wouldn't it be great to be able to plus it into the Z with a minimum of extra adapters?


Accessories / Has anyone tried a c4k40 drive?
« on: October 08, 2004, 10:03:11 am »
This appears to be a small form factor IDE drive with a 2.5in IDE connector on it.  I know there's not much chance, but has anyone used one of these together with a PCMCIA->IDE adapter in their Z?
Thought not.
But it does seem a very good option compared to a 5Gb Toshiba PCMCIA drive.

Accessories / Pocketop keyboard driver (IRK?)
« on: July 28, 2004, 05:47:35 am »
I've just purchased a pocketop keyboard via eBay, but now I am unable to download a driver for my SL5500, as the irk site appears to be offline and the ZUG page for this driver returns 404 error
Does anybody have a copy of the driver (or the official Pocketop driver) that they can let me have?

Many thanks,


Angstrom & OpenZaurus / CF card problem on resume - fix.
« on: July 07, 2004, 01:25:14 pm »

I'm a newbie on this forum (and the Z in general), but I thought I should share a fix I have for the problem where the Zaurus fails to resume properly if a Memorex 256Mb Compact Flash card is inserted (this is in OZ 3.2).

In /etc/apm/suspend.d/S35cardctl:
#only use on 3600
. /etc/devdetect/identify.h3600
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
# Suspend Cardctl
if [ -x /sbin/cardctl ]; then
/sbin/cardctl suspend

After changing the above to
#only use on 3600
. /etc/devdetect/identify.h3600
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
#    exit;
# Suspend Cardctl
if [ -x /sbin/cardctl ]; then
/sbin/cardctl eject

the CF card is ejected just before suspend, then re-inserted on resume.


5x00 Hardware / Headphone socket powered up even when Z is suspended?
« on: June 03, 2004, 11:54:24 am »
Has anyone else noticed that when you plug a pair of headphones into the Z (even when it is suspended), there is a faint crackling sound, suggesting that the headphone socket has a small current flowing thorugh it.
When I get home I will attach a multimeter to see what\'s going on.

Surely, this must drain the battery.

BTW, I am running OZ 3.2.


5x00 Hardware / Attaching mobile phone batteries to Z
« on: April 27, 2004, 05:48:30 am »
Whilst looking at alternatives to creating an external battery pack for my SL5500, it occurred to me that the Z battery is basically the same as any number of 3.6v Li-ion mobile phone batteries, which can be picked up dirt cheap from the likes of eBay.

What I\'m wondering is if the charging circuit of the Z is going to be stressed by, say, attaching 3 batteries in parallel to the existing one (maybe drilling a small hole in the battery cover to allow connecton to the internal battery connector).  Any ideas?

I\'d like to sick them along the back of the Z side-by-side, should be good for 3000mAh without adding too much depth to the unit.


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