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Messages - arniel

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Quote from: Cyberdoc1971
Any offers people? I really need to sell this item, I tried to Ebay it with no luck; the buyers failed to pay and not sure where else to sell it but here.

You're not going to shift it at anywhere near that price.  The PMA400 is a 4 year old device, and wasn't that amazing then.  Things have moved on massively since then so I reckon you'd be lucky to get $50 for it now.  Someone on here was selling a job-lot of BNIB SL5500s for $80 each.  Sorry to say, but that's the price of progress!
Your best bet is to keep putting it on eBay, but be realistic with the reserve price.

Quote from: Capn_Fish
Try Xubuntu. It runs quite snappily on a 1GHz, 256MB machine. It ought to work for you, plus it's easy to use.

If that's a little too heavy, Debian with Xfce works well for me (I just used on disc to install it, the first one IIRC), and I find it to be a bit lighter than Xubuntu.


I tried ubuntu 6.06 on a 850MHz PIII and it was indeed painfully slow, so much so that I dug out an Athlon 1GHz jobbie which was significantly faster.
Didn't have much luck with the graphics though - it seemed to be stuck at 800x600, 56Hz and nothing on the menus helped me.  
Although I am a programmer, I wanted to test it to see how a newbie would get it up and running so I didn't do too much googling for the answer.  The result was not good, using both a matrox G100 and a SiS AGP card.
Xubuntu on a Thinkpad 600 wasn't too much of a success either.  Looks like it has a way to go before it becomes as point-and-clicky as a Windoze install.

5x00 General discussions / Hybrid Roms On The Collie
« on: August 07, 2007, 05:04:02 am »
OPIE Reader version 1.0.3 works and can be installed on the SD card.
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I still have the necessary build files to make Opie-reader for Qtopia > 1.5.x (e.g. this ROM and the Qtopia 2.something one from TrollTech.) Let me know if you want a more up to date build (and if the problem with SD card install is related to the plug-ins I can give you one with the plug-ins built-in, too).
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I would LOVE to have a more up-to-date build. I use this program often.


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Is anybody able to rebuild hostap ipk for the hybrid ROM?  I've downloaded every version I could find, and they all appear to be using a variation of the ipk file that is incompatible with ipkg.  The alternative ipk reader that is included in the Hybrid ROM appears to be broken as it is asking for access to a file/directory that doesn't exist, and creating a dummy file doesn't work.


Sharp ROMs / Hybrid Rom documentation
« on: August 07, 2007, 04:58:59 am »
OK ... So tell me where can I upload it... I'm looking for your comments also ...
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I sent you a PM.
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Has anything happened here?
I'm currently playing with the Hybrid ROM as it appears to be the fastest and most stable so far (haven't got around to using TK one).  However, I can't get WEP to work (insecure connections are fine) and it only has prism2 drivers (can't install hostap ipk for some reason).  Other options are always welcome.

Hardware Mods / Tried To Make 40gb Z With Ipod Hdd
« on: July 17, 2007, 06:24:28 am »
Hi All,

I tried yesterday to fit in a 40GB hard disk out of a 4G ipod into the C3000 Z.

The plan was to replace the internal CF disk with the ipod hdd - with about 2cm sticking out. To do this I had to make a new gap from the silver plastic above the CF entry point and extend the CF entry point on the white plastic.

After about 2 hours of opening, unscrewing, ripping bits of plastic, the new hdd fit in (with the bit sticking out on the side, hey I didn't care, was going to have a 40GB Z !).. it just wouldn't power on.... the ipod (toshiba) disk is 3.3v - same as the microdrive... to power it back up you need to run it off the battery for some reason, then plug in the adapter... otherwise if you try to power with the adapter, it light would keep blinking and nothing happens...

so i closed everything up again and put the original 4gb in there and it is back to normal except for the large gaps...

If anyone has some pointers im willing to try it?

maybe a 5G ipod disk which is a little thinner might work?
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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that the iPod HD does not use the standard CF pinout, even though the form factor might be compatible.

5x00 General discussions / I'm Obsolete
« on: July 10, 2007, 05:04:17 am »
It is an Unix machine and depends what you want and which level of exploration you are heading.

Normal user
  - PIM and good MP3 player should be good enough

Advancde user (like me)
  - Purchase some commercial packages, like Neocal, Tkc Player, to enhance its performance
  - Add high capacilty CF drive
  - Install ZBedic to store Wikipedia, English dictionary
  - Make use of unix commands for system and network tasks.
  - Install Zgcc to facilitate python and PyQt programming
  - Use VisiScript as my IDE for python programming
  - Use Porta-Base as database application
  - Install VNC sever for remote access

In short, it is not an obsolete machine which you can put it in good use and it is really a very reliable hardware to date.
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Uh, no, it runs a OS [a href=\"]Unix-like[/url] OS.
The main issues that I've found since OZ3.2 are lack of stability in the OS, from an inability to suspend/resume to applications crashing.  What OS are you using?

Via CEO Wenchi Chen revealed a business card-sized motherboard billed as the "world's first industry-standard form-factor for PC/phone convergence," at Computex today. The "mobile-ITX" board measures 3 x 1.8 inches -- half the size of Via's "pico-ITX" form-factor -- and runs Windows XP Embedded or Linux.
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If someone could retrofit that into my beloved Psion S5 I'd be a very very happy man...

Archos forum / Pma 430s Available
« on: May 18, 2007, 04:48:07 am »
BTW, any comments to Archos embedded devices' performance and reliability.
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When I looked at the Archos some time ago, it looked perfect for my needs - playing multimedia files, surfing the web, driving USB devices etc.  However, I found that it was slower than the 5500 that I already owned, and there are problems with way Archos have implemented Linux on it - some settings do not persist across reboots.  Also, there are problems with e.g. supporting new codecs due to the sound driver and a collection of other issues that made me decide to get a dedicated multimedia player instead (the vivitar version of [a href=\"]this[/url]).  It's the usual case of the software not being implemented well.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings!

C1000/3x00 General discussions / What's With The Sound Quality?
« on: May 17, 2007, 05:05:09 am »
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Sadly, I thinnk anyone who gives a toss has already dumped their Zs for something a bit more appropriate.  I had a vision, once, that I could use my Z for all manner of tasks from being an MP3 player to reading pdf files to composing emails.  Fairly simple stuff, no?  Well, ever since upgrading from OZ 3.2 (I have a collie), the Z has been nothing but trouble with stupid problems like not being able to suspend properly, through extremely rough sound quality with mp2 files to general instability.  For sure, the hardware is capable of useful things but the software sucks badly - nothing is ever stable.  Even playing with the Qtopia ROM I now find that it ignores the SD card I have.  So now it sits in my rucksack waiting for the day when a useable OS is available.  Until that time, a real MP3 player and outboard Creative Dolby encoder takes care of my musical needs and good old fashioned paper books do the rest...

General Discussion / Pcmcia Wifi Card
« on: February 12, 2007, 05:08:17 am »
Well, I tried this out even though I didnt think it would work but low and behold, I got my Zaurus online!  On the back of the card there are checkboxes for 3.3v or 5v and it says that it is 5.  I just wanted to be sure that this would not damage my Zaurus in any way.  Thanks for any information.
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* Should * be OK.  I'm a bit vague on the details, but most PCMCIA cards, apart from older ones should be both 3.3v and 5v.  I have used a DLink DRC650 on my SL5500 without problems before.  However, an Intel Etherexpress (wired ethernet) wouldn't work, even though it was recognised, and an old Psion modem wouldn't even be recognised.

Sharp ROMs / SL 5500 TCK ROM 2.0 Aplha 3 with Home on SD script
« on: November 21, 2006, 10:05:36 am »
I know this is an older thread, but I thought I'ld let everyone know that I took some time to mess w/ my old 5500 last night and I was successful in taking the /root/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit script from the TKC ROM 2.0 Alpha 3 and modifying both the original TKC 1.0 ROM and the Sharp 3.13 ROM w/ the script.  The process was pretty quick and easy.  While doing it I went ahead and replaced the /lib/modules.rom/2.4.18-rmk7-pxa3-embedix/kernel/drivers/block/sharp_mmcsd_m.o module w/ the patched one that is also mentioned here in the thread.  My reasoning for doing this is,  I never had much luck w/ the Cacko ROM/Kernel being stable w/ home on my sd card.   The TKC ROM  2 has always ran stable.  Anyway, I was getting errors when trying to use tun.o and ipsec.o modules w/ the TKC kernel.  Both worked fine w/ the Original Sharp Kernel/3.13 ROM.  So, now I have the 3.13 ROM running vpnc w/ no problems and still have my /home on my SD card.  Everything is stable.   Besides, re-installing alot of packages, I'm pretty happy using the stock Sharp ROM for now, but I'm going to revisit this area eventually and make an new updated ROM for my 5500.  If anyone is interested in the initrd.bin files, feel free to drop me an email.   I usually read the site daily when I can, but hardly ever post.  I haven't used my Z in awhile because of work, but I've been growing tired of my Palm PDA's again & have a re-newed interest in the Z.  In fact I just bought a 5600 today & will hopefully have 6000 this week.  I'm also looking forward to getting a 3200 to replace the 3000 I sold to loc4me last year along w/ my Palm LifeDrive and a TX.  He just got those not too long ago and has been having fun w/ lately.  :-)
[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=146754\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

I'd certainly be interested in a new ROM for the 5500, looks like things have stagnated a bit... all the alternatives to OZ are at least 2 years old.  In fact, I just installed Cacko 2.4.18 w/1.6.2 yesterday as I'm looking for a more stable alternative to OZ, but of course it's not a pretty/functional and I've yet to get some useful IPKs together for pdf reading and opera.

General Discussion / Lack Of Intrest In Forums Lately
« on: November 16, 2006, 05:54:23 am »
simply get people to search the list archives for information?
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Heh, most people here can't even find the 'search' button in these fora nor locate [a href=\"][/url], and you expect them to search mailinglists?
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That's a pretty arrogant, smug comment don't you think?
Most of us have lives outside of the Zaurus and as such have better things to do than spend ages sifting through the disorganised mess that is the Zaurus documentation world.  Have you actually tried using google to solve a Z-related problem?  It's a nightmare, and unless one knows exactly what the distribution one is using is based on, it's sometimes impossible to find related information.

General Discussion / Lack Of Intrest In Forums Lately
« on: November 16, 2006, 05:48:06 am »
Si, you are most definintely one of the devs who makes me stick around here...

Asking on the forum is unlikely to get you much developer exposure. Use the bugtracker or ask on the mailing list. I don't know why the suspend bug has come back, but perhaps someone could enlighten me. Likewise the mp2 problem. I think part of the frustration is not getting an answer, which is related to where you're asking.

Thank you, I wasn't aware of the situation.

Adding bugs with plenty of information is a good way to start if you don't want to do the coding yourself.

Indeed, my experience of that got me no response (here), well, the thread carried on with my issue ignored.  Do I sound bitter? ;-)

I will have a look at cacko now, I'm sure there was a reason why I chose OZ in the first instance, but I can't remember...

Thanks once again!

General Discussion / Lack Of Intrest In Forums Lately
« on: November 15, 2006, 08:53:43 am »
I too have an SL5500 and have pretty much given up using it.
Although I lurk here every day, I haven't switched the Z on for months.  The reason?  It just doesn't work properly.  I used OZ3.2 for ages as a pdf reader and mp3 player, ignored 3.3.6 then jumped to 3.5 and that's when things went downhill rapidly.
I know this is just a hobby for the developers, but the sad fact is that if it stays as a hodge-podge of half/untested code and labrynthine documentation those of us who want to USE our Zs will give up and walk away.
It's the most basic problems that are the most annoying - in my case the suspend/resume and mplayer not being able to play mp2 files properly.  The suspend/resume bug was fixed in an older release but is now back, and the mplayer bug has been around for a few months but no-one bothered to reply when I raised it on the fora a while back.
That and the general instability of the software means that I spent most of my time rebooting the unit as I couldn't just switch it on and continue where I left off, which I could do with 3.2 (for months on end).
This isn't progress, it's just the M$ style of developement where coders are only interested in the newest shiniest code and hardware leaving the rest of us in the dust.
Oh, and the argument about "well if you don't like it, fix it yourself!" displays exactly the attitude problem here - not all of us are coders (well, I am but my area of expertise is 12 years of application programming and 7 years SQL developement), or have the time to learn the dev. environment.
As a consequence, I now have a multimedia player (20Gb) and use my trusty printer for documents, and the Z has been an expensive paperweight for some time.
Maybe things will improve, but I doubt it as there is no pride in producing a quality product here, and although there are a few excellent, helpful coders here, the general attitude seems to be that each coder is doing it for his own self-gratification or glory from fellow geeks.

I'm sorry for this lengthy rant, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way.  All I can hope for is that it contributes to a wake up call that will refocus the developers to get their house in order before they are deserted by the rest of the non-developer community here.


For Sale / Wanted / For Sale - Zaurus Sl-6000l With Accessories
« on: October 05, 2006, 01:15:10 pm »
Still for sale folks! See for pictures and specifications.
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Crikey! £320?  Sorry to say I'm afraid that's way, way too much IMHO.  Things have moved on since the 6k was introduced e.g. for £268 can get a brand new Axim X51V with wifi, bluetooth and 624MHz processor.  Obviously it comes with Windoze as std., but in terms of hardware specs it's much better vfm.  All it needs is a distro on the built-in 256Mb flash mem and would be a v. tasty option.

[a href=\"][/url]

Good luck anyway, maybe there's someone out there who would bite.  Maybe eBay is your best bet, stick a reserve on it and see how it goes.

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