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Topics - Miami_Bob

Pages: [1] 2 3
Site Suggestions, Requests, and Updates / Will Not Stay Logged On
« on: August 13, 2006, 10:05:47 pm »
This JUST started a short while ago.

I log in.

I change pages.

I am back to GUEST again.

Even if I log in & immediately refresh the page I get GUEST.

Makes it almost impossible to use the member functions.

I am not even certain if THIS is going to post.

Cxx0 General discussions / C860 Does Sudden, Unexpected Reboots?
« on: July 27, 2006, 09:05:36 pm »
I just ran some searches on this without hits (like Google the oesf for ["sudden reboot" OR "unexpected reboot"] ) so toss it out here for feedback.

My 24/7/365 C860 (stock Sharp ROM) has recently taken to doing it's own abrupt reboots. Does not seem to depend on how many apps are running or which ones. Has even happened right in the middle of text entry to text editors among other spots.

The restart shows a quick flash of console with some text that flys by too fast to catch then a restart that seems to be quicker than full reboot. It usually leaves the user created desktop tabs & programs without icons.

Sometimes a single restart of Qtopia fixes this but other times it takes two restarts to clear it up.

Whole thing is extremely intermittant but seems to happen in clusters of 2 or 3 closely spaced incidents.

I'm open for suggestions on how to best track this glitch down, oh wise & noble paladins of the Zaurii.

Go ahead .... make my Z.

Site Suggestions, Requests, and Updates / Wow! Site Is Fast!
« on: July 19, 2006, 05:03:56 pm »
Don't know what y'all have done recently but the site response is snappin' like crazy! Keep it up!! (G) The board is flyin' & really rocks today!

Software / File Picker Front End F/ Aspell, Nano & Etc
« on: July 19, 2006, 11:03:57 am »
Wanted a GUI front end to send files to Aspell. Worked out a simple & easy way using Tree!Explorer QT Plus & thought to pass it along.


qcop QPE/Application/embeddedkonsole 'setDocument(QString)' 'exec aspell -l en -c %1'

enter a name for the Send To & move it where you want it in the list.

High light a file (text works OK)
RIGHT ARROW (or hold the stylus on the file for a short time)
DOWN ARROW ONCE (or drag the stylus)
RIGHT ARROW "send to list" (or drag the stylus again)
DOWN to your option (or YADTSA)
make it so

Works on my C860s, Sharp OS all versions. Assumes you already have embedded konsole installed.

The behavior of Aspell confused me at first. If there is an error OR if Aspell finds no spelling mistakes, the launched app widow closes again immediately.

qcop QPE/Application/embeddedkonsole 'setDocument(QString)' 'exec nano %1'

stays open if there are no command line errors using the same file but also closes the window immediately if there are command line errors.

The moral is: Include the "exec" under "normal" use so that you dont have to type "exit" every time to close the spawned child app window. Take it out if something seems to not be working right or if you want to know that Aspell found no spelling errors.

Anyone have any ideas on how to have a message appear if Aspell completed OK (like nano does when running spell check using ^t)? Come on, y'all; don't make me do ALL the heavy lifting here (G).

This SHOULD work with other command line apps as an easy file picker GUI front end.

NOW, I would REALLY like a spelling checker for composing &/or editing these message posts!! There OUGHT TO be SOME way to do it (hint, hint, hint).


Site Suggestions, Requests, and Updates / Dawg Don't Hunt
« on: June 17, 2006, 10:24:33 am »
Have not been able to get a search request to complete one single time this session. Just sits & stares back at me.

Site Suggestions, Requests, and Updates / Repeated "fatal Error"
« on: January 24, 2006, 10:37:18 pm »
I am getting a repeated, reproducable

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/miamlh1/ on line 816

General Discussion / Could Skyeye Be Made Into Zaurus Emulator?
« on: January 05, 2006, 01:40:02 pm »


"About SkyEye

SkyEye is an Open Source Software Project (GPL Licence). Origin from GDB/Armulator, The goal of SkyEye is to provide an integrated simulation environment in Linux and Windows. SkyEye environment simulates typical Embedded Computer Systems (Now it supports Atmel AT91 board based on core range from ARM7TDMI processor to High-end ARM920T processor, boards based on ARM720T CPU, boards based on StrongARM (SA1100/SA1110). You can run some Embedded Operation System such as ARM Linux, uClinux, uc/OS-II (ucos-ii) etc. in SkyEye, and analyse or debug them at source level."

Could this be somehow worked into some form of Zaurus emulation?


Zaurus - pdaXrom / "v5tel" Means?
« on: December 23, 2005, 03:11:43 pm »
Trivial but I'm curious. I understand that the "v5tel" has something to do with being for pdaXrom, but EXACTLY what makes a package a "v5tel" vs one that is not?


Happy Holidaxe of your choice!

Software / Some Dosbox Observations & Tricks
« on: December 22, 2005, 05:23:52 am »
I have been playing with dosbox v0.6.3, compiled by Chyang & packaged by Meanie as "dosbox_0.6.3_arm.ipk". It runs very well, though perhaps a wee bit slowly, on my C860 with stock Sharp ROM. No X needed. There are a couple of useful tricks that I have managed to stumble upon so far.

When the emulator is launched and the task bar area begins to flash & flicker, instead of pressing "Cancel" as Chyang has suggested, until the display finally decides to give up & clear, just pressing "Home" once should cause the display to correct itself without further delay.

The inability of DOSbox to see the keycodes for ":" is a major difficulty to using DOS.

spartan suggested placing the following lines in the [Autoexec] section of the dosbox.conf file:

mount c /mnt/card

which mounts your own working C: drive & changes to it. Great idea but it still leaves you stranded there. I prefer:

REM Lets you read the opening screen if you want to do so.

mount c /home/zaurus/Documents/DOSbox-C
REM mounts the C: drive.

REM makes executables on the C: & Z: drives acessable from any location.

REM changes to the C: drive. The "\" will keep this from working, BTW.

type quit.txt
REM displays a short test file reminding me how to get out without crashing the C860

The system doesn't seem to care that the Zaurus displays the yen instead of the slash, BTW.


"To exit back to Qtopia without crashing, press the SHIFT + <LEFT JAPANESE KEY> + CANCEL combination.

Using EXIT to terminate the command shell and you will have to take the battery out."

Thanks go to Chyang for having "updated libsdl, added shift+ctrl+cancel to brute exit sdl apps"

Finally, I have 2 very simple batch files located on the virtual C: drive:






Trivial, but the only way that I have found so far, in combination with the path settings, to switch between drives. When I finally mount more drives, I'll just add more batch files (till someone finds a way to fix the keymapping).

Be aware that, if you are using KeyHelper, you will loose the key repeat once you start DOSbox AND it will stay gone when you exit back to Qtopia. I use QPE-SHUTDOWN v1.5 to restart Qtopia, but you could also probably use "khctl reload".

However, if you disable KeyHelper before running DOSbox, the 3 key combo above to gracefully exit the shell ceases to work.

Also discovered that SHIFT + Fn + C still acts as screen capture, although you won't hear the shutter sound effects to let you know that it is working.

So I took a shot of the screen.

But then thought, well how can I PROVE this actually came from my C860 instead of a regular desktop. Ah, but I also discovered that the Fn + <LEFT JAPANESE KEY> combination causes Qtopia to attempt to pop up the input pick list, fail & leave the task bar visable but DOSbox still running. So I took a shot of that screen.

A neat trick, but it also causes the SHIFT + <LEFT JAPANESE KEY> + CANCEL key combination to stop working leaving one with battery removal as the only way out of the shell.

Do NOT press the SHIFT + HOME keys. That combination causes a similar effect except with rotation to portrait mode & a real hashed up screen.

I tried an old PCTOOLS v4.1 but it wimps out claiming that both C: & Z: have damaged FAT sectors.

Lastly, just for grins, I ran Micro$oft's Diagnostics (MSD) to see what would happen. And it ran fine. Here is that screen shot.

 [ Invalid Attachment ]

Now I await the howls of outrage at this perversion of an innocent Zaurus by having run Micky$oft code upon it .... put down those stones, people. (G)

C1000/3x00 General discussions / Jumbo Xqt Package Ipk Problems
« on: December 15, 2005, 01:31:33 am »


on C860 running Sharp v1.40 from NAND fresh made off Sharp official file set & hand converted to English with Japanese.

After 3 or 4 minutes Install reports "IPKG says Something Went Wrong. Sorry."

But XQT Tab & icons there. Rebooted JIC.

On tap, Startx icon "explodes", hourglass appears for a while then disappears but nothing happens.

Running startx from terminal the first time:

bash-2.05$ startx

Using authority file /home/zaurus/.Xauthority
Writing authority file /home/zaurus/.Xauthority
Using authority file /home/zaurus/.Xauthority
Writing authority file /home/zaurus/.Xauthority

Display size = 480x640
could not open translation file /home/QtPalmtop//i18n/en/libsl.qmid

  The display sits at this point for a while then XQT starts & seems normal. On exit the terminal display continues with:

create shadow image:480x640
qtRandRInit ()
qtInitVisualsShadow - Masks 0000f800 000007e0 0000001f BPRGB 6 d 16 bpp 16
qtRandRInit ()
qtCreateDefColormap - Deferring to fbCreateDefColormap ()
qtFinishScreenInitFB - returning
qtScreenInit - returning being added to access control list
failed to set locale, reverting to "C"
rxvt: Setting locale failed.
BScreen::BScreen: managing screen 0 using visual 0x21, depth 16
failed to set locale, reverting to "C"
key:45, mod:0 -> key:1d  

key:45, mod:0 -> key:1d  

key:58, mod:0 -> key:3f  

key:58, mod:0 -> key:3f  

key:49, mod:0 -> key:22  

key:49, mod:0 -> key:22  

key:54, mod:0 -> key:1f  

key:54, mod:0 -> key:1f  

key:1004, mod:0 -> key:2a  

key:1004, mod:0 -> key:2a  

xinit:  connection to X server lost.
X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).


  The first "copy"of the terminal text was not formatted correctly so I tried again intending to edit it for readability and got slightly different output.

bash-2.05$ startx

Using authority file /home/zaurus/.Xauthority
Writing authority file /home/zaurus/.Xauthority
Using authority file /home/zaurus/.Xauthority
Writing authority file /home/zaurus/.Xauthority

Display size = 480x640
could not open translation file /home/QtPalmtop//i18n/en/libsl.qmid

  (pauses again)

_XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root
create shadow image:480x640
qtRandRInit ()
qtInitVisualsShadow - Masks 0000f800 000007e0 0000001f BPRGB 6 d 16 bpp 16
qtRandRInit ()
qtCreateDefColormap - Deferring to fbCreateDefColormap ()
qtFinishScreenInitFB - returning
qtScreenInit - returning being added to access control list
failed to set locale, reverting to "C"
BScreen::BScreen: managing screen 0 using visual 0x21, depth 16
rxvt: Setting locale failed.
failed to set locale, reverting to "C"
key:1013, mod:0 -> key:53
key:1013, mod:0 -> key:53
key:1004, mod:0 -> key:2a
key:1004, mod:0 -> key:2a
xinit:  connection to X server lost.
X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).


General Discussion / Simply But Useful Backup Tricks
« on: December 14, 2005, 10:13:04 pm »
The more experienced members may find this too simple, but I know that I myself would have appreciated finding this out when I was a noobie to the C860, so ......

1) You know to make NAND backups, I assume. There will very likely come a time when you wish that you could look inside an NAND to work with the contents. This can be done directly in several ways, none of them simple or easy, but, with a little advanced planning, it becomes trivial.

You will need space on a CF or SD card. How much exactly depends on your system. Should not be more than the size of an NAND, I think.

Immediately before or after you make an NAND, boot your C860 with D+B to the command line (root without password). Be sure the C860 is on AC power, of course. Make sure that you have some time because the TAR takes a while. Then:

mkdir /mnt/02
mkdir /mnt/03
mount /dev/mtdblock2  /mnt/02
mount /dev/mtdblock3  /mnt/03
tar cvf /mnt/cf/my-root.tar /mnt/02/*
tar cvf /mnt/cf/my-home.tar /mnt/03/*

You can, obviously, substitute SD for CF in the last 2 lines if using the SD card. Remember that TAR archives are not compressed, so you can save space by using AR or GZ or BZ2 or ZIP and so forth on the TAR balls.

I store all 3 files, the NAND and the 2 TAR balls, compressed with a text file about when they were created & what system details are relevant. I use a file name system based on YEAR-MONTH-DATE-TIME for the final file (2005-12-14-1631.ZIP for example).

Now you can not only restore from a specific NAND but also view & extract the files that it contains from the TAR balls of the set.

The 2nd proceedure is along the same lines. I install programs, when possible, on a 512 Mb SD card that stays in my 24/7 C860 as part of the system. So, when I make an NAND, what about the parts of he system on the SD? No problem.

This time, you will need space on a CF card. How much exactly depends on whats on your SD.

Again, immediately before or after you make an NAND, boot your C860 with D+B to the command line (root without password). Be sure the C860 is on AC power, of course. Make sure that you have some time because the TAR takes a while. Then:

tar cvf /mnt/cf/my-SD.tar /mnt/card/*

I store this TAR ball (if the C860 is the one using the SD card) in the archive set detailed above. Now, when restoring an NAND, I can also restore the SD portion of the system as well.

IOTTMCO, I know, but not so obvious to those starting up!

Have fun. Happy Holidaze!

Site Suggestions, Requests, and Updates / Sick Puppy
« on: June 01, 2005, 12:24:11 am »,and,download

returns (after a LONG delay)

"Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /mnt/crummy/bluebell/miamlh1/ on line 814"

Ya gotta sick puppy here, folks.

Sharp ROMs / C860 Now Remounts Cf On Resume - Power On
« on: May 29, 2005, 12:47:06 pm »
OK. I did the requisite (spelling I doesn't do ... G) search without finding any relevant hits. So here goes.

Sharp v1.20
Dynamism conversion
Several CF cards.
One resident SD.
Running same setup for almost a year.

Just recently started; when I power on resume (rear button or HOME key) the system has now decided to eject & remount the CF card(s). Happens intermittantly with some apps; not at all if no open apps are "holding" files from the CF; each & every time if Portabase is open.

With Portabase open & in foreground, power off then power back on again, brings up the desktop with Portabase iconized in the lower left task bar.

When brought to the foreground again (sometimes requires more than one tap), whatever file Portabase was open on has been aborted without saving changes & Portabase is back at the file selection menu. Sometimes in the last used sub directory but other times at the Internal - CF - SD pick level.

Not blaming Portabase. It just happens to be the app that will always trigger the problem. Other apps are intermittant, but with Portabase I can watch the CF icon disappear & reappear each & every time.

While I can usually save changes before power off, it is a major PITA to have to navigate back to the file that was in use each & every time that power is resumed.

And this is brand new behavior. Never happened before a day or two ago. It is not card dependent and does not happen if an NAND of a "fresh" OS version is flashed on the same hardware.

Flashing fresh NAND to my other "backup" C860 gives identical behavior also.

I really would rather not have to reinstall all my apps & the last NAND is older than I like (I know, I KNOW - backup, backup, backup .... sigh).

So, suggestions, oh ye Qtopia mavens?

TIA & Happy Memorial Day weekend to those who celebrate it -

Sharp ROMs / Shes Dead, Jim .... But .... Thats Impossible.
« on: February 09, 2005, 10:55:40 pm »
I posted first over in Security and Networking

but ony have 22 reads and no feed back after about 4 days.

Since I have some new info that might indicate the problem is related to Cacko v1.22, decided to post over here this time.

The original was:

Its probably something simple that I'm overlooking but ......

Cacko v1.22
Ambicom WL1100C-CF 802.11b

$ su
# ifconfig eth0 hw ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
SIOCSIFHWADDR: Invalid argument

# ifconfig eth0 down
# ifconfig eth0
eth0 (info)

[looks like eth0 is not taken down?]

# ifconfig eth0 hw ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
SIOCSIFHWADDR: Invalid argument

# macchanger -s eth0
Current MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (Ambicom, Inc)

# macchanger -a eth0
Current MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (Ambicom, Inc)
ERROR: Can't change MAC: Interface up or not permission: Invalid argument.

# macchanger -s wifi0
Current MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (Ambicom, Inc)

# macchanger -a wifi0
Current MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (Ambicom, Inc)
ERROR: Can't change MAC: Interface up or not permission: Invalid argument.

Other posts have said "The above ifconfig worked on almost every linux system I've tried." & indicated that this works on the Zaurus. What am I missing here (G)?

Fell free to berate me harshly for my failure to recognize that which is probably IOTTMCO, just, please, enlighten me (G)!


The new info is that all the above work fine under OZ/Opie v3.5.2 (although multiple other major problems preclude my going to that OS as a solution). So I copied some of the files in /etc/pcmcia/ to the Cacko v1.22 system.

I got wifi0 & wlan0 (instead of eth0) using the hostap drivers, just as OZ/Opie does HOWEVER, I get the same warning with iwconfig using either set up, which is:

"Warning: Driver for device wifi0 recommend version 18 of Wireless Extension, but has been compiled with version 15, therefore some driver features may not be available ...

I think that this may be the source of the macchanger & ifconfig problems. Hot fix A does not change the behavior.

Solutions? Suggestion? Feedback? Bricks, boots & rotten vegies? (G)

Go ahead; *I* can take it!

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Its Not 1970 Anymore!
« on: February 08, 2005, 05:47:28 pm »
I decided to give OZ/Opie another shot.

It there EVER going to be a release where the date does NOT revert to 01 Jan 1970 EACH & EVERY time the user is forced to reboot (like at the frequent lock ups!)?

I, for one, do not consider this a "trivial" bug.

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