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General Discussion / Ext2/3 Viewable In Windoze
« on: August 30, 2005, 07:18:22 pm »
I've just stumbled accross this and it might well be usefull - sorry if it's been mentioned before.

Looks like we have the ability to access any ext2/3 fs within wondoze, mighty handy transfering stuff to sd/mmc/cf cards formated that way.


Zaurus - pdaXrom / Is It My C760
« on: February 08, 2005, 10:00:43 pm »
Sorry to anybody on this forum but I just cant see/cut it with pdaxrom. Ok running x on a pda (especially with a linux kernel) is a cool idea, but I've tried most pdaxrom options and the lag is unbearable.

It's just unusable for me. Infact it's embarassingly slow.
Damm is it slow.

Roms built for the Z as a PDA are soooooooo much quicker, Why not respect the fact that Z is an amazing PDA product , the cpu is teeny weeny and wont deliver x-server PC/Server Desktop/server requirements to the level that pdaxrom imply.    

Don't offer PDAXROM as an alternative to a PDA rom, It just isn't.
Fast access to anything isn't possible with PDAXROM.

I feel that PDAXROM developers are trying to overbear a vunerable & well established Zaurus community that want a fast and reliable PDA that runs on linux.

The new Zaurus Software index was swamped wit Xrom untested and unrealable releases.

Keep ZUG open minded and dont be bullied by pdaxrom propagander.

Erbärmlich für mein Englisch

General Discussion / Elsi - Was A Better Format?
« on: February 08, 2005, 06:32:44 pm »
Being well aware and 'MUCH' appreciative of the hard graft that has been put into the new ZUG and ESLI sites I'm expecting a broadside salvo for this one, but for some reason I honestly find the format of Killefiz much nicer than ELSI.

I really don't want to upset anybody but I'd much rather go to the old site than the new one for available Z app's.

Maybe I'm just getting old - is it just me.


Zaurus - pdaXrom / Does pdaX rom need
« on: June 04, 2004, 07:45:04 pm »
Does pdaX rom still need \'openssh\' + \'wellenreiter\' ?

I\'ve not rummaged the board for a while so sorry for my ignorance but it always lacked these two app\'s and that put me off using pdaX rom.

Sadly (:-)) the C760 tkcrom is doing everything that I need but having those on cacko pdax would definately make me change roms.

hi all (and sorry foxdie if this has been asked before)  

I\'ve had an odd thing happen with my C760 and think I might have caused it myself - but.....

In anticipation of the promised new tkcrom I saw the latest version on zug and installed it anyway about a week ago. It may well be the previous 2.5.1 version that I was already running, but possibly had a later date due to it\'s appearance on ZUG. There really was no indication - maybe that should be addressed.

It is:
\"tkcrom for the cxx0 series (zip file includes a single for 750/760/860)\"

I didn\'t want to reflash my user bits because I had some smart stuff in there that javaBoy sent me, so I left all as was, however I now get an issue with Netfront.
The crazy thing is that all websites work perfectly except ZUG!

If I use Opera the ZUG site is also perfect but when I use Netfront and \'click\' on a subject from the board I only see the first/latest post and mostly the contents contain some html gibberish and that\'s all.

Hmm oops that sounds confusing, sorry but does any-one have any ideas?

Rgds & thanks as always


General Discussion / OZ why cant I see the attraction?
« on: January 29, 2004, 08:48:20 pm »
I\'m expecting to be flamed for this, but I hope you all dont mind me saying that I just cannot understand why people always name OZ as an answer/alternative to most QT problems.

I\'ve installed a number of OZ releases and always found them awkward, to say the least.
OZ has never cut the mustard for me, and it\'s always appeared to be in a state of \"the next release will be perfect\", but it never is. Infact there\'s never a really stable useable version.

Also there has never been a definative release of any version of OZ and to be honest I cant be bothered to struggle with it ever again.

I\'m not a newbie to o/s and have no problems with Debiian (my chosen platform) Red Hat, SuSE, Mandrake or what ever. So there really shouldn\'t be any surprises, but OZ now leaves me cold.

I dont mean to deminish all the hard work done by the OZ crew in any way, but can somebody explain to me why the definitive answer to so many questions we see on the boards is \"OZ\".

I\'ve been Zaurised since my very early SL5000d and lived through 5500 and now C760 so it\'s not a new game to me.

Just cant see it.


S :?

For Sale / Wanted / SL5500
« on: December 30, 2003, 01:21:11 pm »
Hi all

I\'ve got a Sl5500 UK that I would sell for the right price, although I\'m not sure whats it\'s really worth.

These days probably a guzillian lera\'s or more like 1 million Dollars looking at the exchange rate.


But seriously it has no miles on the clock (bought about 1 month before C760 was available on and hardly used since), currently running tkc rom, although I\'ll put Win98 on it somehow if you really want!

If your interested???


General Discussion / Sahs X-11 Rom
« on: December 14, 2003, 06:07:29 pm »
Hi all

I\'ve been playing with Sach\'s most amazing X11 rom - and was having a few problems with Prism wlan cards that I couldn\'t resolve.

I\'ve had a brief email discussion with Sash  and he\'s confirmed that he\'s aware of the issue and is working on a fix to be released shortly.

Thought you all might like a heads-up.


Sharp ROMs / Next Sache 7x0 rom
« on: September 02, 2003, 07:10:28 pm »
Hi all

I was wondering if there was any news on the Sache rom front for C750/760.

I gather there were some wireless problems with his last release so I held off for a while and I\'m \"patiently\" waiting for any news.



Accessories / My 5500 accessories that work/not with C760 Sharp rom
« on: August 27, 2003, 08:22:30 pm »
My 5500 hardware in the C760

Spectrum24 Wireless networker:
Recognised by C760, connects and works with great range.
Tray icon is always red (normaly not a good sign) but the card actualy works fine.
This card uses minimal battery - expensive but a good buy.
Wont work with Kismet.

Buffalo WLI-CF-S11G
Recogniised by C760, Tray network icon red (even when next to AP) no connection/connection errors.

D-Link DCF-650w.
Works great with/without wep - beware this card will suck your battery dry!
Does work with kismet.

Origo Wireless Compact Flash Card - Works perfectly.
Works also with kismet.

Pretec CF Modem 56k (Ipaq part number 148908-031) completely compatible.

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