« on: January 29, 2004, 08:48:20 pm »
I\'m expecting to be flamed for this, but I hope you all dont mind me saying that I just cannot understand why people always name OZ as an answer/alternative to most QT problems.
I\'ve installed a number of OZ releases and always found them awkward, to say the least.
OZ has never cut the mustard for me, and it\'s always appeared to be in a state of \"the next release will be perfect\", but it never is. Infact there\'s never a really stable useable version.
Also there has never been a definative release of any version of OZ and to be honest I cant be bothered to struggle with it ever again.
I\'m not a newbie to o/s and have no problems with Debiian (my chosen platform) Red Hat, SuSE, Mandrake or what ever. So there really shouldn\'t be any surprises, but OZ now leaves me cold.
I dont mean to deminish all the hard work done by the OZ crew in any way, but can somebody explain to me why the definitive answer to so many questions we see on the boards is \"OZ\".
I\'ve been Zaurised since my very early SL5000d and lived through 5500 and now C760 so it\'s not a new game to me.
Just cant see it.
S :?