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Topics - drpeter

Pages: [1]
Cosmo Communicator - Android / No vibration from screen touches
« on: January 30, 2020, 07:42:20 pm »

Not sure if I'm just missing an obscure setting, but I have lost haptic feedback from screen presses.

I have vibration turned on under Settings>Accessibility>[Interaction Controls]>Vibration>Touch Vibration>On
and also under Settings>Sound>Advanced>[Other sounds and vibrations]>Touch vibration>On

I am getting haptic feedback from all other functions such as keyboard and fingerprint sensor, but not for screen presses,

I have the latest firmware (V19) & CODI ( updates successfully installed.

Any ideas?

I backed the Cosmo essentially to have a pocketable means of large-volume text entry with a more usable screen and equivalent keyboard to the Psion 5mx- with phone/web functionality as a bonus.

Now I have my hands on the beast, what app would Gemini/Cosmo users recommend installing as an alternative to the dreadful Microsoft Word for Android?

Hi all,

This is just a welcome to those transferring their posting from the Indiegogo forum.

Feel free to talk about anything you like regarding the forthcoming Cosmo Communicator  

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