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Topics - klampfenfreak

Pages: [1]
Cosmo Communicator - Linux / Gemian wonˋt boot anymore.
« on: December 06, 2021, 05:56:54 am »
Hi Cosmo Friends,

it just happened the second time: my gemian partition won‘t boot anymore. It starts with the logo and reboots before the login screen in a loop. The first time I completely reinstalled Linux, because I thought I have messed up something. But now I know the only thing I have done is not using Linux for a while. After that time it does not boot anymore. Is there any repair option or safe boot into Gemini? Why does it happens so often? Is my flash memory corrupted? I tried to flash only the boot partition, but it has to do with the data partition. So because it is decrypted I can’t repair it from TWRP, either?

Thank you

Cosmo Communicator - Android / Rooted Android crashing on v25
« on: March 23, 2021, 04:10:17 pm »

today I updated to v25. Now my rooted Android reboots automatically after a few seconds. While it reboots, the display view splits vertically.  On the left side there appears the rotating planets and the right side gets black. After a few seconds the planet animation appears in full screen mode.
Android does not reboot to the multiboot menue, it is only a fast reboot, back to the lock screen.
If I try to open any programm, android is booting immediately. Sometimes it crashes direct after entering the pin. I already uninstalled magisk manager, but it seems it had nothing to do with it. I also tried to disable wlan and 4g.

The normal bootet android runs flawlessy until now.
Has someone else the same problems after updating to v25?

Cosmo Communicator - Linux / wlan failed after lock screen
« on: October 21, 2020, 10:22:58 am »
Hi @all,

I have got a problem with wlan not connecting after screen goes locked and unlocked again under linux.
SSID is showing up, but conman did not connect until a reboot. I tried powering off/on wlan module. Also tried to connect using command line. Only way is to reboot the device.
Anyone with this issue?

thank you!! : )


My comso feels very hot when chargin with the original charger. I installed a battery monitor app and it says battery is to hot (about 48 ° celsius). I use the left charging port.
Do you also have that high temperatures? I don`t know if it was such hot under v19..?!

Hi together ,

just installed the new Android update via  OTA. Unfortunately the fingerprint sensor didn't recognize my fingerprints, anymore ! To many tries. before the update, everything was fine!
Does anyone have similar problems?

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