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Ubuntu / Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1 Upgraded To Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Armel
« on: April 21, 2015, 12:56:31 pm »
Quote from: Jon_J
Hi again ArchiMark, and anyone else that reads this.
I finally got WiFi and other tweaks working, but....
The feeds are gone now. I really need to acquire wifi-radar or wicd.
I have old copies of these, but the python dependencies are making these old packages fail to install.
There are no packages to be downloaded from the feeds that I can tell. I even looked for network-manager, and it is not available. I always forget commandline stuff. I guess I need to print a small howto to get connected whenever I restart my Zubuntu Z.


 take a look at conman as a network manager

Ubuntu / Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1 Upgraded To Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Armel
« on: February 23, 2015, 12:27:21 pm »
zubuntu-desktop-jaunty-rootfs_feb.2009-rev-armel.tar.bz2 98.1 MB!zsd1wZRR!olX3i...SE6Elr0m9_Nrqjs

now repository is:

so change /etc/apt/sources.list accordingly

Debian / Lan Network Settings With Debian On C1000
« on: August 07, 2009, 06:14:40 am »
Quote from: Jockie
I reverted to the original /etc/network/interface file but uncommented the line "iface eth0 inet dhcp".
I then ran the command "dhclient eth0"in the console. This is what resulted:
Code: [Select]
SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
Bind socket to interface: No such device

I could really do with some help from the community please.
I guess your eth0 is not up or recognized properly, do what Capn_Fish told you, so insert the ethernet card and paste the output of "dmesg | tail -n 15"

I would follow the instructions given in your linked post in zubuntu thread, debian has no problems with dhcp

interfaces file:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
then reboot and type ifconfig -a if no eth* present in the reply do a modprobe pxa2xx_cs (before doing anything you need to see an eth* interface in ifconfig command reply)
and finally ifup eth0

Ubuntu / Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1 Upgraded To Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Armel
« on: July 13, 2009, 05:26:25 am »
Quote from: diesel1
Quote from: same
Quote from: diesel1
Hi all,

I upgraded my RC1 to Jaunty as described in this thread and everything seemed to go smoothly.  However when I rebooted I was asked for a password, for the root account, which I do not know/have not defined.

Any ideas how to get around this?


if your have ubuntu on an sd, boot a ubuntu live cd and mount the sd , then edit (as root) the /media/sd-path/etc/shadow

and remove the "!" in the root:!:... line

for example from this

to this

Hi same,

I will try to patch the shadow file on my Arch Linux Desktop.  I have never had to do this in 14 years of using GNU/Linux!

Thanks for the help,


yup this is weird, i had no problem with the root passwd after the upgrade, maybe i got it setup so i didn't notice. strange pw reset

Ubuntu / Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1 Upgraded To Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Armel
« on: July 11, 2009, 05:17:58 pm »
Quote from: diesel1
Hi all,

I upgraded my RC1 to Jaunty as described in this thread and everything seemed to go smoothly.  However when I rebooted I was asked for a password, for the root account, which I do not know/have not defined.

Any ideas how to get around this?


if your have ubuntu on an sd, boot a ubuntu live cd and mount the sd , then edit (as root) the /media/sd-path/etc/shadow

and remove the "!" in the root:!:... line

for example from this

to this

Ubuntu / Installing Drivers On Zubuntu
« on: May 13, 2009, 01:30:47 pm »
i think an i386 module (home pc) won't work with an armel kernel (zaurus), also i don't know how to make an armel module to work on a different armel kernel for which it was designed to run

1) you could ask for that module (if it's missing) in - there's a new kernel released
2) if that cf card is known to work with debian for zaurus, you could use that kernel instead with the zubuntu rootfs
in the following post you can get an idea on how to merge zubuntu with debian kernel

Ubuntu / Sound In Jaunty?
« on: May 13, 2009, 01:17:30 pm »
Quote from: adf
Quote from: ofels
Quote from: adf
Will alsa work? the mixer seems to "understand" the Z's capabilities pretty well, I just don't seem to have any sound actually coming out yet... suggestions?

Open alsamixer from the console and enable all mixers you can find disabled (labeled as [MM]), then carefully disable those you dont need or which have implications on the sound quality.
You might also want to use a headset to adjust headset sound.


Thanks.  I reflashed to minimize complications. reinstalled mplayer, etc. alsamixe "sees" everything, but I can't seem to get sound output, which makes me think I'm missing something really obvious. I've been playing with the "mm" buttons, but without getting sound.  Couls anyone tell me what their alsa-mixer has truned on to get sound output?

read the linked page on that post, it might be helpful

Ubuntu / Apt-get In Zubuntu
« on: May 13, 2009, 01:12:27 pm »
Quote from: whykickamoocow
I also get this message when i try this

[div class=\'codetop\']CODE[/div][div class=\'codemain\' style=\'height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto\']root@Zubuntu:~# iwconfig wlan0 essid sukmebeautifull mode managed
root@Zubuntu:~# ifup wlan0
There is already a pid file /var/run/ with pid 0
Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client V3.0.6
Copyright 2004-2007 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit

wifi0: unknown hardware address type 801
Can't create addrlist socket
Failed to bring up wlan0.
root@Zubuntu:~# ifup wlan0
There is already a pid file /var/run/ with pid 0
Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client V3.0.6
Copyright 2004-2007 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit

wifi0: unknown hardware address type 801
Can't create addrlist socket
Failed to bring up wlan0.
root@Zubuntu:~# [/div]

Regards whykick

it seems you have a dhcp problem now, check this topic to try to fix it:

Ubuntu / Installed Connman And Udhcpc -and Lost Connection
« on: April 22, 2009, 12:15:06 pm »
you need connman-gnome frontend to connect, is the tray application
connman is the daemon
anyway, if you still can't connect just remove the connman package and restore /etc/network/interfaces file

Ubuntu / Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1 Upgraded To Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Armel
« on: April 12, 2009, 04:29:33 pm »
Quote from: HRH_H_Crab
Quote from: same
anyone using bluez or ethernet willing to test it? i just used with wpa and works

Connman is now available in ubuntu repository using dhclient
For connman with udhcp support  download: in Zubuntu Packages thread

Just tested it for wifi and its working nicely here too.
I just ran connman-applet from the run box of lxde for testing purposes.
I'm having all sorts of problems with bluetooth though, according to what I have read bluetooth connections seem to require having been set up in bluez before connman can work with them, and the problem there is how to get pairing working with the new bluez stack.

I cant get bluetooth-wizard to run due to dbus problems:

"Can't get session bus: failed execute dbus-launch to autolaunch D-Bus session"

well, i could not setup a bluez connection using connman either, i read that bluez changed its standards so connman lost compatibility with bluez. i think it's better to wait for the connman version 0.13  

NOTE: i have no experience using bluetooth, but i could setup bluetooth connection in my ubuntu desktop (not zaurus) using bluetooth-applet and haven't played with it, just to test it

Ubuntu / Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1
« on: March 23, 2009, 02:04:08 pm »
Quote from: Chero
maybe check "dmesg" first.

What does appear in dmesg after inserting the card ?

Just doing "ifup wlan0" or another interface might be enough to fix the problem.


you're right, i assumed those rutine checks as already done, and might not be the case  

Ubuntu / Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1
« on: March 23, 2009, 07:13:21 am »
Quote from: pasteur
Thanks for a helpful tip, but still doesn't work. [-- no driver--]

Here is the windows driver of my wifi card. (will be deleted later.)
(i don't know what to do with the ipone win driver)  
anyway, what is the driver used by debian? hostap_cs? pcmcia_cs? any hint?

on the other hand, if you say it works under debian, a quick way would be to use zImage (kernel) and modules from debian, (until someone that uses your card with ubuntu can help you):
[blockquote]- just copy the zImage to /boot/ folder (rename the other to zImage-ubuntu)
- copy the /lib/modules/ from debian to /lib/modules/ in ubuntu
- then you'll have to change the TSLIB_TSDEVICE="/blablabla/" in .xinitrc or .profile (can't remember), read this, explains how to find the correct ts device: (ignore step 4)
[/blockquote]hope it helps

Ubuntu / Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1
« on: March 22, 2009, 12:51:50 pm »
Quote from: pasteur
Help me!!  

try sudo modprobe hostap_cs
or the driver that debian use, if the command allows the card to be detected, do a
echo hostap_cs >> /etc/modules to force module load at startup

edit: thnx ofels, fixed the error  

Ubuntu / Zubuntu Help
« on: March 22, 2009, 12:40:18 pm »
Quote from: whykickamoocow
After hours of trying different cards and card readers i got the card to work on ubuntu, but when i tried to put the files across it gave me the error message (permission denied). Not sur why because i ran it with sudo cmd. So i gave up on that a took it upon myself to take apart the zaurus and take out the microdrive. I formatted it in fat32 and installed the backtrack cd onto it, All went well and did a complete install onto my microdrive but when i put it all back together it still boots up my cacko. Is there some kind of boot loader to boot up backtrack from my microdrive.



1) the sd card where you'll put zubuntu must be ext2 or ext3 format, not fat32
2) you need to put the kexec boot loader as specified in
see the "Installation of the multiboot kernel on the Zaurus is done in the usual way" section. well you should read all the document carefully as it's is newbie friendly, you'll save time at the end.
3) i don't understand, are you trying to run backtrack live cd on the zaurus? i would say it's not possible

Ubuntu / Zubuntu Packages
« on: March 22, 2009, 12:08:48 pm »
repackaged with udhcp support, default in repository is dhclient3
The Linux Connection Manager project provides a daemon for managing Internet connections within embedded devices running the Linux operating system. The Connection Manager is designed to be slim and to use as few resources as possible, so it can be easily integrated in other Moblin-based embedded systems. It is fully modular system that can be extended through plug-ins, to support all kinds of wired or wireless technologies. Also, configuration methods like DHCP and domain name resolving are implemented using plug-ins. The plug-in approach allows for easy adaption and modification for various use cases.

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