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Messages - kingmob

Pages: [1] 2
Security and Networking / 802.11g And Wpa?
« on: March 17, 2005, 07:39:38 am »
We need WPA.

I'm told that the wpa supplicant works with prism2-based cards, so it should just
be a matter of compiling it for the Zaurus.   Has anybody done that?
It's in the pdaxrom unstable feed.

There's no support for the madwifi driver (it wouldn't compile and I didn't spend any time trying to fix it, as I don't have an atheros card), but it works fine on my noname prism2 card.


Zaurus - pdaXrom / Minor Suggestions
« on: March 03, 2005, 08:14:34 am »
And why not uclibc, rather than glibc?

Security and Networking / Mobile Phone Recommendation
« on: January 03, 2005, 05:13:10 pm »
Thanks, I think I'm going to go with the K700i...

There doesn't seem to be an awful lot of info on the D500, and the fact that it's Samsung's first bluetooth phone (and that Nokia still can't get bt right), sounds like a sure recipe for disaster to me  

Security and Networking / Mobile Phone Recommendation
« on: January 01, 2005, 02:50:06 pm »
Has anyone had any experience with the Samsung D500?

I'm thinking of replacing my Nokia 6230, cus of the bluetooth/GPRS problems mentioned here, and I like the look of the Samsung.

I'm not a big Ericsson fan - had them before and have never really got on with them, but it's looking like the SE K700i is the other option.

Anyone using either of these phones with their Zaurus? Or is there another phone I should look at?

Software / Anyone Using Their Zaurus With A Nokia Smartphone?
« on: December 17, 2004, 01:38:50 pm »
I bought a Nokia 6230 for exactly the same reasons, and unfortunately am experiencing exactly the same problems...

I took it into my local service centre a few months back and they upgraded the firmware to v04.28, which made no difference. I think there's another update available - must try it out.


Qt/Qtopia / Psi & Qca-tls Qt Plugin
« on: December 16, 2004, 08:16:32 am »
I've managed to compile psi-0.9.2 with qca-tls-1.0 and get it running in pdaXrom, using the Gentoo ebuild as a recipe.

It works perfectly well until I try to select the "Use SSL encryption (to server)" option, which tells me "Cannot enable SSL/TLS. Plugin not found".

qca-tls seemed to build okay, I specified the same plugins directory while building both (/usr/lib/qt/plugins), so I'm at a loss to see what the problem is.

Does anyone have any QT plugin advice?

(The same setup works on my x86 desktop).


Zaurus - pdaXrom / Live Cd For Developpers
« on: December 12, 2004, 05:49:14 pm »
It's a nice idea - it's sometimes a real PITA to prevent the build from picking up the native libraries on my build machine.

But if it's a live cd, how would you go about adding your own (new) libraries to the build system?

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Are you running pdaXrom and for what?
« on: December 09, 2004, 11:41:17 am »
Wishing for LDAP on Ka/Pi, Love syncing Ko/Pi with Korganizer
I'm planning to move over to kolab2 once it's released, so a pdaXrom version of Kontact is high on my wishlist.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Mozilla Sunbird 0.2a
« on: October 17, 2004, 03:03:42 pm »

I've managed to build Mozilla Sunbird from CVS, and it seems to work ok for me.

I keep my personal calendar and todos in a webdav ics file, so it's nice to be able to access it from my Zaurus

How do I go about uploading it to the unstable feed? I've not contributed anything before...


Zaurus - pdaXrom / su?
« on: October 15, 2004, 05:47:40 pm »
You DID log out then back in again, right?
Oh yes  

Zaurus - pdaXrom / su?
« on: October 15, 2004, 08:10:32 am »
I tried to get sound working for non-root users by creating an audio group and changing the settings in /etc/devfsd.conf to give the /dev/sound devices "root:audio 660" permissions.

However my normal user still had no access to the devices, as if the extra group settings never get picked up.

I had to set the permissions to 666 to get sound in the end


General Discussion / wireless network adapter with pda
« on: August 16, 2004, 05:59:15 pm »
I believe that the HostAP drivers will do WPA.

I've been meaning to try them out myself for a while now...


General Discussion / Alternative AC adapters
« on: July 27, 2004, 08:30:00 am »
Guys, my partner found a supplier for a AC adapter that should* work well for the Z.

It's a Astrodyne PSA05R-050.

Input voltage:     90-264 volts
Input Frequency: 47-63 Hz
+/- 5% regulation

... lots of other good specs (can't seem to find them on the website though).

And you can get whatever adapters that you need for your country.

*("Should" as in you are on your own). The specs look good, but do your own research first.


Edited: Oh, and they are 5 volt, 1 amp and cost $24 bucks each.

Edit #2 Oh, and you will have to make sure that the plug fits (it looks like it should, and it is polarized correctly according to the specs).
I've found a UK source for these adapters:

It's a PhiHong PSA05R-050, and will deliver you one for £17.63. A bargain!

General Discussion / Alternative AC adapters
« on: July 26, 2004, 03:56:22 pm »
Does anyone have an experience with the adapters that plug into the USB port?

There's a shop on ebay selling stuff like this:


which seems to be the right price, at least.

General Discussion / Alternative AC adapters
« on: July 26, 2004, 01:11:04 pm »
SL-5500 used to be officialy sold in the UK, so you can probably find the adapter for it (maybe used one). It works perfectly with C series.
Although you can get the EA70S for less than $30 in the US, the cheapest I've seen it here is £54 (=$100), which is a little insane for an adapter...

I will check ebay though, ta.


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