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Messages - rogerbowering

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Archos forum / Windows Media Player Plugin For Av700
« on: July 25, 2006, 01:51:30 am »
Hi I've got the AV700 DVR and Windows Media Player 10.

I've been all over the Microsoft Windows Media Player site and all over the Archos site but can't find the download that plugs in to Media Player to tell it it synchronises with an Archos 700

The software withe the Archos is for WMP9 so that will not install

Any help please?

Software / Camera Software Not Working
« on: March 02, 2006, 03:12:51 am »
Thanks for your help.

But.....I'm absolutely useless at Linux or anything technical.

Can you possibly let me know what file(s) I need, where I can find them, where I should paste them...please

I know the camera's a bit basic, but the Z's with me constantly and it's just for fun I can whip in the camera and take some pics

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Sharp Ce-ag06 Pdaxrom Stuff, Plz Test
« on: March 01, 2006, 05:38:09 pm »
Thanks guys

But....sorry, I'm completely hopeless at Linux or anything technical!

If you could let me know what file(s), where they are, and what folder I should put them in....I could manage that :-)

Yes, I know the camera's pretty basic, but I've always got the Z with me and it's just for fun

Thanks again

Software / Camera Software Not Working
« on: March 01, 2006, 04:16:29 am »
When I had my old C750, I installed the qpe-camera_1.5.0-1_arm.ipk software, then plugged in the Sharp CE-AG06 camera into the CF slot and everything worked.

Now I have a C3100 (FigLabs translation). I've installed the software but when I plug in the camera I see a little 'CF' in the system tray, and when I run the software it tells me to insert the camera before starting the software - so I guess the software isnm't recognising the camera's inserted.

I've tried version qpe-camera_1.5.0-3_arm.ipk; I've tried installing to Program area and to SD card - no joy

Anyone know how to fix this?

Software / Kde-pim/pi 2.1.0 Available!
« on: January 30, 2006, 05:24:27 am »
I may have found a bug (was using 2.2.3, but moved up to 2.2.7 and still happens) or I may have a dodgy phone.

In KA/Pi, when I elect to Beam Selected contact to my phone there's no problem, ie the "Sending..." thing happens on the Zaurus and my phone asks, "Receive Contact Blah, Blah?"

In KO/Pi when I tap and hold an appointment and select beam, the Zaurus says it's sending the data (and completes) but there's no response at the phone.

Just to check, the phone receives any kind of beamed document/data from the Documents or Files tab without problem

Just in case it's a localised phone problem it's one of those HTC Jam Phones.

C1000/3x00 General discussions / C3100 Pc Software
« on: September 21, 2005, 06:08:22 am »
Hi I just got my new SL-C3100.

The machine is great but the CDs (3) that came with it are all Japanese.

Does anyone know if the PC Software (Windows) is available in an English translation anywhere?

Software / Kde-pim/pi 2.1.0 Available!
« on: June 30, 2005, 06:43:09 pm »
I love KO/Pi and I keep upgrading......but, I guess this is a wish list thing.

I would REALLY love a week view like the Psion Agenda used to do, i.e. like an open one week filofax page. It doesn't have the time slots in measured grids, but it makes for very clear reading. I believe Qualendar has a similar view (so I guess I should use Qualendar, eh?)

Security and Networking / Bluetooth Dun - The Final Step?
« on: May 11, 2005, 04:05:34 pm »
In addition, in the Network, Bluetooth set up dialogue, there's a box for phone number: there's no phone number (UK Vodafone, Contract) on that web page.  Also there's no field in the Network, Bluetooth dialogue to enter an SMTP

In any case, I want to connect to my regular ISP, whom I use from home (via Broadband on the PC), and via dial-up (when a phone socket is available) on the Zaurus using a 56k modem at work.

In these instances I use my ISP's dial-up & broadband numbers plus their POP/SMTP details. It would be no use using the mobile phone operator as I wouldn't get to my email.

I want to use Bluetooth with the phone for times when I am out of the office or no phone line is available

Security and Networking / Bluetooth Dun - The Final Step?
« on: May 11, 2005, 03:57:53 pm »
I don't see how that solves my problem.

The phone displays: Enter PIN [_______]

I have to open the phone keyboard and tap in the number, then tap [return], then ......nothing.

I mean, it's not as though it's dialling and not able to connect (don't get me started on dialling via IR to my GMS phone!!!), it never gets to start the dial up

Software / Installing Textmaker
« on: February 24, 2005, 05:03:20 am »

I downloaded the newest version, as I got an email from Softmaker.

As I had installed the original version manually (ie copying files using QT Explorer, out of the Zip/Tar file directly to the correct folders), there was no entry in the Add/Remove programs dialog. So, I didn't uninstall it - just installed the new Textmaker.

With the new version I was able to use the standard Zaurus Install process (I think my previous SD card was faulty - I seem to have no problems with my new one). So, I think the new install was fine, as the 'Help, About' dialog displays the correct version

Where I am confused is with the add on program for 480x640 screens. I installed it too, but I don't see any difference between it and how TextMaker looked before!

The learning experience for me is, if Installs to SD card consistently (or frequently) give errors or the Install option shows the SD card greyed out - there's usually corruption of the Card. You can back up the Card and reformat, then restore your files, but I found that once the card starts doing this it keeps doing it and gets worse.

Hope this helps

Security and Networking / Bluetooth Dun - The Final Step?
« on: February 11, 2005, 02:09:33 pm »
Me again!    

I changed the Mac address string in the Network app to lower case and now the Zaurus 'talks' to the phone

When I select Connect, the Zaurus connecting dialup ("Initializing Modem")  'wakes up' the phone which displays:

"To connect to zaurus, you must enter a passkey

Passkey: ______"

I've tried 0000 which, I think, is the phone's Passkey.
I've tried 1234 which, I think, is the Zaurus's Passkey.

Then the phone goes back to its default display and does nothing, while the Zaurus continues to try to "Initialize Modem"

I did a search on this board for "passkey" and found one other post which suggests running syslog and checking Messages.

The relevant part of 'Messages' (by God, it's big!!!) says:
Feb 11 18:56:37 zaurus kern.alert qpe: [smartNaviBase][Auto Connect][10][(null)]
Feb 11 18:56:37 zaurus kern.alert qpe: [smartNaviBase][Auto Connect][8][(null)]
Feb 11 18:56:37 zaurus kern.alert qpe: [smartNaviBase][Auto Connect][40][(null)]
Feb 11 18:56:37 zaurus kern.alert qpe: [smartNaviBase][Auto Connect][40][(null)]
Feb 11 18:56:37 zaurus kern.alert qpe: [smartNaviBase][Auto Connect][10][(null)]
Feb 11 18:56:40 zaurus kern.alert qpe: [smartNaviBase][Auto Connect][4][(null)]
Feb 11 18:56:40 zaurus kern.crit qpe: vpnStaff::down ()
Feb 11 18:56:40 zaurus kern.alert qpe: [smartNaviBase][Auto Connect][4][(null)]
Feb 11 18:56:40 zaurus kern.alert qpe: [smartNaviBase][Auto Connect][2][(null)]
Feb 11 18:56:40 zaurus kern.crit qpe: vpnStaff::down ()
Feb 11 18:56:40 zaurus local2.notice pppd[1033]: pppd 2.4.0 started by root, uid 0
Feb 11 18:56:48 zaurus hcid[719]: pin_code_request (sba=00:02:72:81:31:99, dba=00:0E:07:97:FF:02)
Feb 11 18:56:48 zaurus daemon.err hcid[1034]: PIN helper exited abnormally with code 32256
Feb 11 18:56:48 zaurus local2.err pppd[1033]: Failed to open /dev/rfcomm0: Connection refused
Feb 11 18:56:48 zaurus pppd[1033]: Exit.
Feb 11 18:56:50 zaurus kern.crit qpe: vpnStaff::down ()
Feb 11 18:56:52 zaurus kern.crit qpe: vpnStaff::down ()
Feb 11 18:56:53 zaurus kern.crit qpe: vpnStaff::down ()
Feb 11 18:56:53 zaurus local2.notice pppd[1038]: pppd 2.4.0 started by root, uid 0
Feb 11 18:56:58 zaurus hcid[719]: pin_code_request (sba=00:02:72:81:31:99, dba=00:0E:07:97:FF:02)
Feb 11 18:56:59 zaurus daemon.err hcid[1039]: PIN helper exited abnormally with code 32256
Feb 11 18:56:59 zaurus local2.err pppd[1038]: Failed to open /dev/rfcomm0: Connection refused
Feb 11 18:56:59 zaurus pppd[1038]: Exit.
Feb 11 18:57:02 zaurus kern.crit qpe: vpnStaff::down ()
Feb 11 18:57:06 zaurus daemon.debug atd[185]:  okay. Alarm rang.

I've spotted PIN helper somewhere, (hcid.conf?), but what should I do with it? And, PLEASE   , what's the Zaurus's passkey?

A WinCE beckons...........only joking

Security and Networking / Bluetooth Dun - The Final Step?
« on: February 11, 2005, 01:21:41 pm »
Actually, I was just wondering.....assuming I can get back to the point where the Zaurus 'did something' with the phone whether, as the step it got to was:
"Initializing Modem...."
(Phone asked for a Passkey)   -  what is this bl**dy passkey?

I only needed to modify the modem initialisation string. Currently it's ATZ which is OK for Irda

Security and Networking / Bluetooth Dun - The Final Step?
« on: February 11, 2005, 01:14:42 pm »
zmig2, thanks.

1) Slightly bizarre. Yes the phone sees the Zaurus in its list of devices. Bizarre because when I have my USB Bluetooth in the PC, the phone sees Zaurus and the PC. I can click on the PC entry and see information. Also, I've used the PC to dial the phone. If I click on the Zaurus entry then it immediately disappears from the list on the phone. Just in case there's any confusion - the phone doesn't dial when I try it from the Zaurus. And to make matters worse, now the phone is not responding to the Zaurus at all (a backward step), even tho' everything's rebooted several times.
2) Yes, silly posting the usernames and passwords: Just so keen to not post and find I've missed some information that would be needed to troubleshoot. Can I get the mod to modify my post?

Thanks again for your help. As I said, I'm a hopeless techno-imbecile. I just want to be productive with my PDA

Security and Networking / Bluetooth Dun - The Final Step?
« on: February 11, 2005, 09:23:58 am »
...and just for completeness (and to see if I can fill a whole page on this site   , the stptool browse (or whatever it was) gives me:
Browsing 00:0E:07:97:FF:02
Service Name: Voice Gateway
Service Description: Voice gateway
Service Provider: Sony Ericsson
Service RecHandle: 0x10000
Service Class ID List:
   "Headset Audio Gateway" (0x1112)
   "Generic Audio" (0x1203)
Protocol Descriptor List:
   "L2CAP" (0x0100)
   "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
   Channel: 8
Language Base Attr List:
   code_ISO639:    0x656e
   encoding:    0x6a
   base_offset:   0x100
Profile Descriptor List:
   "Headset" (0x1108)
   Version: 0x0100

Service Name: HF Voice Gateway
Service Description: HF Voice gateway
Service Provider: Sony Ericsson
Service RecHandle: 0x10001
Service Class ID List:
   "Handfree Audio Gateway" (0x111f)
   "Generic Audio" (0x1203)
Protocol Descriptor List:
   "L2CAP" (0x0100)
   "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
   Channel: 9
Language Base Attr List:
   code_ISO639:    0x656e
   encoding:    0x6a
   base_offset:   0x100
Profile Descriptor List:
   "Handsfree" (0x111e)
   Version 0x0100

Servcie Name: OBEX Object Push
Service RecHandle: 0x10004
Service Class ID List:
   "OBEX Object Push" (0x1105)
Protocol Descriptor List:
   "L2CAP" (0x0100)
   "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
   Channel: 1
Profile Descriptor List:
   "OBEX Object Push" (0x1105)
   Version: 0x0100

Service Name: OBEX File Transfer
Service RecHandle: 0x100005
Service Class ID List:
   "OBEX File Transfer" (0x1105)
Protocol Descriptor List:
   "L2CAP" (0x0100)
   "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
   Channel: 2
   "OBEX" (0x0008)

Service Name: Dial-up Networking
Service Description: Dial-up Networking
Service Provider: Sony Ericsson
Service RecHandle: 0x10006
Service Class ID List:
   "Dialup Networking" (0x1103)
Protocol Descriptor List:
   "L2CAP" (0x0100)
   "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
   Channel: 7
Language Base Attr List:
   code_ISO639:    0x656e
   encoding:    0x6a
   base_offset:   0x100
Profile Descriptor List:
   "Dialup Networking" (0x1103)
   Version: 0x0100

Service Name: Bluetooth Serial Port
Service Description: Bluetooth Serial Port
Service Provider: Symbian Ltd.
Service RecHandle: 0x10007
Service Class ID List:
   "Serial Port" (0x1101)
Protocol Descriptor List:
   "L2CAP" (0x0100)
   "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
   Channel: 3
Language Base Attr List:
   code_ISO639:    0x656e
   encoding:    0x6a
   base_offset:   0x100

Security and Networking / Bluetooth Dun - The Final Step?
« on: February 11, 2005, 09:19:34 am »
I've got C750 with Cacko Rom 1.22 and Bluemonkey card (the latest one) from Shirtpocket.

I'm also using a Sony Ericsson P910i

I'm horrendously non-technical, so this has been a long arduous task getting to the point I am at now....which is

I've set up a Bluetooth-PPP dial up Network and when I select 'Connect' the phone lights up and asks for a Passkey. I've been typing 0000 on the phone which, I believe, is its Passkey although maybe the phone wants the Zaurus Passkey?


What/Where is the Passkey for the Zaurus?
What do I need to complete the dial up process now that the Zaurus appears to be communicating with the phone?

I've modified:
  hcid.conf  -  and set security to none (I don't use Bluetooth that much to be worried about security and I want to take any stumbling blocks out of making this process work:
# HCI daemon configuration file.
# $Id: hcid.conf,v 1.3 2002/07/18 18:12:46 maxk Exp $

# HCId options
options {
   # Automatically initialize new devices
   autoinit yes;

   # Security Manager mode
   #   none - Security manager disabled
   #   auto - Use local PIN for incoming connections
   #   user - Always ask user for a PIN
   security none;

   # Pairing mode
   #   none  - Pairing disabled
   #   multi - Allow pairing with already paired devices
   #   once  - Pair once and deny successive attempts
   pairing multi;

   # PIN helper
   pin_helper /etc/bluetooth/givepin;

# Default settings for HCI devices
device {
   # Local device name
   #   %d - device id
   #   %h - host name
   name "%h";

   # Local device class
   class 0x120114;

   # Default packet type
   #pkt_type DH1,DM1,HV1;

   # Inquiry and Page scan
   iscan enable; pscan enable;

   # Default link mode
   #   none   - no specific policy
   #   accept - always accept incoming connections
   #   master - become master on incoming connections,
   #            deny role switch on outgoing connections
   #lm accept,master;
   lm accept;

   # Default link policy
   #   none    - no specific policy
   #   rswitch - allow role switch
   #   hold    - allow hold mode
   #   sniff   - allow sniff mode
   #   park    - allow park mode
   #lp hold,sniff;
   lp hold,sniff,park;

   # Authentication and Encryption
   #auth enable;
   encrypt disable;
bluetooth.conf looks like this
Available = y
;InterfaceType = bluetooth
Id = BLUETOOTH1108089116
Info = bthw
Infolabel = Details
Layer = TCP/IP
Name = SonyEricsson Bluetooth
Type = bluetooth
Auto = 0
AutoConnect = 1
CardType = bluetooth
Device = ppp
atdial = ATZ
autoip = 1
btdevice = /dev/rfcomm0
bthw = 00:0E:07:97:FF:02, 7
connectdelay = 180000
crtscts = 1
defaultroute = 1
dialGroup = 1
dialmode = 0
dns1 =
dns2 =
gateway =
idletime = 120
initcmd = ATZ
password = xxxxxxx
phone = 08457560000
speed = 115200
usepeerdns = 1
username = My Username
winppp = 0
autoconfig =
ftphost =
ftpport = 8080
httphost =
httpport = 8080
noproxies =
type = 0
I modified my rfcomm.conf (although I keep typing "Sony Ericsson Bluetooth" in the comments and something keeps reverting it to "Generated by BT dial-up network applet"
rfcomm0 {
    bind yes;
    device 00:0E:07:97:FF:02;
    channel  7;
    comment "Generated by BT dial-up network applet.";
I wasn't able (on the Zaurus) to modify givepin, but I did so on the PC using Notepad and copying it back:
echo "PIN:0000"
I even changed a file 'PIN' to say '0000'

Believe me I've been through all the How-Tos and FAQ but quite a bit of it doesn't work, like
"* Restart Bluetooth on your Zaurus using
/etc/rc.d/init.d/bluetooth restart"

I discovered there is no file in that folder called 'bluetooth'

Also, how do you suspend/resume...I've installed the ipkgs, but I can't find any program icons for them?

Most frustrating

Once again, I'm a techno-neanderthal - be gentle with me as I love my Zaurus

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